Avatar Request


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Jack, I was hoping you could make this as an avatar for me, in honor of cfball coming up and the lack of hokie avatars. Would definitely appreciate it.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
lol thats it, i like asu cause my family roots hard for them but i have been a vatech fan for about 10 years, a minnesota fan for the same and a ku fan for about 15


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Ha ha, I'm just busting your balls.

I guess you can't be a fair weather fan and root for the T-Wolves... :sadwave:
Yeah i know buddy,

No kidding about the wolves though, i really will be tempted if they lose KG jk but not really. But Ive been with the losers this long why not stick around another 10, and as you know its probably just as hard to be a KU fan, how many times have they had the best team in college only to blow it, these last 2 first rounds were almost unbearable. I remember when the senior simien team lost in tourney i didnt know which way was up or down, nothing made sense to me after they lost and i didnt talk to anyone for like 2 days.


Rock Chalk
Forum Member
Dec 26, 2004
Lawrence, KS
Yeah i know buddy,

No kidding about the wolves though, i really will be tempted if they lose KG jk but not really. But Ive been with the losers this long why not stick around another 10, and as you know its probably just as hard to be a KU fan, how many times have they had the best team in college only to blow it, these last 2 first rounds were almost unbearable. I remember when the senior simien team lost in tourney i didnt know which way was up or down, nothing made sense to me after they lost and i didnt talk to anyone for like 2 days.

Oh man... sore subject around here, still...
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