avoid balance mutual funds


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Jul 16, 1999
Just received the sept. issue of the cdn. moneysaver. the moneysaver is a non profit ? magazine that allows no advertising, and the writers are not paid. However sometimes they mention the book or service they provide.

sometimes there is no articles of interest but found 3.

will discuss Wynn Quon article (he is a little bearish...lol), and another one from the editor.

however Ken Kivenko talks about how many balanced funds are poor investments in general.

there have been several stories on balanced funds in the past few months.

Canadian Balanced funds August 31, 2006
Balanced funds benchmark index

1 year 5.33% 9.69%
3 year 8.77% 13.24%
5 year 5.71% 9.84%
10 year 7.06% 9.28%

Balanced funds is an average of the balanced funds in Canada. the Benchmark index is 60% SP/TSX index and 40% Scotia Bond index.

if you wanted to buy them in Canada they would be XIU, and XBB (bond index).

you could also buy XBV (5 year bonds or less), would be less volatile. probably slighlty smaller returns over 5 years.

another disadvantage of these funds is they charge an MER of over 2%. when many of these funds hold 40% bonds that yield 5% if that....

by the way there has been many articles based on a study out of 14 countries Canadians pay the highest fees for their mutual funds. goes to the old saying mutua fudns are sold not bought.

look for low management fee mutual funds. the higher the fees the smarter the manager has to be to offest them,....and often it does not work out.

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