Back for Baseball!! Wed Plays

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Forum Member
Jan 4, 2001
Owings Mills,MD
Well after a nice little break I am back for baseball. I popped in from time to time and saw the room has been pretty hot.
Ray and Fletch,
Good luck with the pay plays. Nothing but the best for the two of you.

Here are the plays for Wed.
Record (0-0)

Pitt +210 (
Phil/Atl over 8.5
TB +115
Minn -125
Oakland -180

Some quick notes:
*Look for the bats of the Burgh to wake up and for Kip Wells to throw a nice game. +210 is a real nice value for this game.
*Padilla vs. Millwood: This should be a game where some numbers are put up. I look for a 7-4 game or so.
*I love the way Paul Wilson has been pitching. I will take him on the plus side over the knuckleballer.
*Raymond said it best. Milton is nasty and should quiet the Royal bats.
*Oakland: Zito is good, Burba sucks. Rangers will get 2-3 but Oakland will light Burba up for 6-10.

Good luck everyone!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 4, 2001
Owings Mills,MD
My Pirates picked up a nice little win in a nice little spot. A good start to the day. Hopefully it will stay rolling tonight.
Good luck tonight everyone!!
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