Back from Charlestown,SC...

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
1st of all thank all of you that were my trip advisors here at MJ's.....did eat at Chop House,Hanks,Fleets Landing like many of you suggested. Went to Fort Sumter,a Plantation,Slave Market Place...and the Rainbow houses and water front....what a beautiful city...Saint,you were right,no car needed.. Our hotel was right in Market place we ate was the Hominy Grill... OMG..had huge biscuits with gravy and chicken fillets. Took the pediclyle taxi there... walked all over the many streets seeing so many beautiful churches and houses...took the carriage tour around the city.....a little hot and humid though..but got back to NY yesterday and the weather is just as bad...funny story...

On Wed nite my wife was waiting for me in front of a barb-q restaurant when I was getting some gelato next door... when I saw my wife giving a homeless man $2.00 .... the guy didn't want the money..he wanted a meal...a waiter was standing outside the restaurant trying to get people to come I arrived I hear my wife say to the waiter "let this man order a meal" the waiter and the guy walk into the restaurant....I ask my wife what's going on...she explains to me he didn't want any money just a I told him to go inside and order first I'm saying WTF....I go up a few steps into the restaurant and see the guy sitting at the bar...i go over to the cash register and the waiter gives me the's $17 and change...I look at the receipt and he ordered 2 chicken wing dinners and a coke....i'm standing about 10 feet at the end of the bar waiting for my change after I gave them a $20 bill...they can't break a $20 so I have to wait for another waitress to get this guy is just staring at me,sitting at the bar...drinking his soda....I look at him..he knows who I am...I keep looking at him and I am still trying to figure out WTF did my wife do...almost 5 minutes go by and finally i get my change....I'm still looking at thank you,no acknowledgement,nothing.... so as I walk out I go up to him and say..." you could be a little humble and say thank you next time...." I'm sure my tone of voice was similar to my basketball huddle when my team was down by 10....I didn't look at him and walked wife is waiting down by the steps and says " what took you so long"....we started walking away..I was just about to tell her that her buddy ordered 2 chicken wing dinners when behind us the man appeared ....he was saying " thank you,ma'm,thank you sir as he followed us....then he turned around and went back into the wife then says " what a nice man to thank us". I laughed to myself and didn't tell her that her good deed wasn't really appreciated until I layed into him at the bar...this is no moral to this story...the money was nothing....just be thankful when someone helps you...
The next night we are walking from the Pineapple Fountain to our hotel...we see another homeless guy asking for a meal... I look at my wife and laugh....I guess in Charleston they don't ask for money..they ask for meals......I didn't tell my wife what happened in the restaurant...some thing we just keep secret...
Had a great time....thank's again for many of you giving me a heads up on where to eat and visit...

The Mover

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 22, 2000
Sounds like you enjoyed Charlestown. Will put it on my list when we head to FL. in Mar. The homeless story was great. How many days did you stay ?

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Mover..we stayed only 3 nights..Bub...we didn't get to the beach...we really didn't have the time...the plantation tour took almost half the day...Ft Sumter was the same.. but what a beautiful city...also had shrimp and grits...not really crazy about grits....its like farina ..think you have to grow up on racquetball buddies in Austin eat it a lot after we play in the morning...I tried it last year with some maple was Ok with shrimp but I wasn't crazy about it...


Forum Member
Mar 29, 2016
Mover..we stayed only 3 nights..Bub...we didn't get to the beach...we really didn't have the time...the plantation tour took almost half the day...Ft Sumter was the same.. but what a beautiful city...also had shrimp and grits...not really crazy about grits....its like farina ..think you have to grow up on racquetball buddies in Austin eat it a lot after we play in the morning...I tried it last year with some maple was Ok with shrimp but I wasn't crazy about it...

Glad you had fun

Nice write up
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