Baldwin alert!


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One of the immutable laws of political discourse is that if you get more than two actors together your bound to hear some asinine statements. Leave it to the DNC, Alec Baldwin, Rob Reiner, Al Franken and Esai Morales to provide the proof.

"I am talking about flyover America, I am not talking about the leadership class of either party," Baldwin said. "I am talking about the average American out there. They latch on to these personality-driven issues because they are easier for them to digest in this kind of tabloid world."
Oops, it's easy to let your contempt slip out when you're amongst friends, isn't it? I'll give credit to Franken, he did dispute Baldwin's remarks. Well, he had a problem with Baldwin's contempt for flyover country. I don't think he disagreed that the Republicans try to win voters by focusing on dumbed down issues.

Rob "Meathead" Reiner seemed to agree with Baldwin, claiming Republicans are trying to divide the country. I guess he wasn't listening when Edwards gave hos "two Americas" speech.

"If your focus is to divide the country, use wedge issues and the social issues to divide the country, it's probably easier to do because you don't have to worry about healthcare or the environment or education. All you have to do is get people focused on abortion or stem-cell research or gay marriage -- if you think about that, you can divide the country pretty quick," Reiner said.
Does he realize we're at war? Most Americans don't care about the environment and healthcare because we're more worried some Islamic asshole is going to blow up a building or set off a nuke. The reason the Republicans "get people focused" on abortion is that the majority of their constituents agree on the issue.

Later, during the panel discussion, Reiner said, "I go around the country and I hear a lot of the Republicans who are very tired with what has happened [to the party]."
Well I don't like what's happened to the party but probably not in the same way that Reiner is talking about. I'd like to see a more fiscally conservative party, one that doesn't spread around the pork nearly as much as the Democrats.

In a surprise move, it was actor Esai Morales who snatched the title of King Asshat from the heady competition. It's hard to out-Baldwin a Baldwin but Morales didn't let his relative lack fame hold him back:

"So I think the difference in the Democrats and the Republicans is very simple. The Democrats believe in investing in humanity, investing in people, not just the technology that is going to blow people off the earth," Morales said.
Once again we see the contempt these people have for anyone that doesn't agree with their agenda. Simple minded celebrities are so shallow they honestly believe that caring is measured in dollars. Democrats want to give federal money to every cause and issue they can think of, therefore they are compassionate. And without that "technology to blow people off the earth", the technology that John Kerry has consistently voted against, our casualties in Iraq would be much, much higher.

Morales may not have the fame of a Baldwin but he showed that he's Alec's equal in the brainpower department:

So you see, things were already not going well when Morales suggested that George W. Bush must have known about 9-11 in advance and used it to his advantage. I have never seen a panel of people look more stunned, or stumble for a way to undo a statement. Morales looked around the stage to see if there was a way to take back what he said, as if he'd been thinking something else, this is what had come out, and it was all wrong. The audience was silent, but Begala swatted the whole matter away. The woman sitting next to me, who works for DNC finance, winced. Oy vey!

Oy vey indeed.

No celebrity asshat roundup would be complete without everyone's favorite persecuted liberal, Janeane Garofalo:

"Conservatives are traditionally fiscally prudent, small government," Garofalo said. "They prefer the government out of both the boardroom and the bedroom. Then there is right-wing America, which is actually very elastic in those things," Garofalo said.

"Try not to be so emotionally immature," Garofalo urged "right-wingers." "Take anger-management class and work on your impulse control," she added.

Nice substantive argument there. The whole thing shows what Democrats are all about. Rather than debate the merits of tax cuts, the morality of abortion, the problems of activist judges overturning the will of the voters, the very real danger of terrorism, the possibility of real democratic reform in the middle east, the right to bear arms, education reform and school vouchers, the surging economy or any other real issue they instead attack conservatives as "immature", easily led, stupid warmongers who are out to divide the country.
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