
Registered User
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Aug 24, 1999
Ya better watch out, it looks as though someone if pretending to be YOU!

Dear DrSteve,

It's getting to be more and more of a drag (pun intended) to duck out of my lab and sneak a cigarette on the fire escape every hour or two. My non-smoking friends are treating me more and more like some kind of a leper, especially the ones who used to smoke. I've tried to quit several times and I usually do okay until I hit the bar on the weekend. Once I've had my second or third beer I almost automatically light up. Then I'm off and running, and usually months go by before I muster up the willpower to quit again. What should I do?


Dear Barfly,

To help you stop smoking, I need to know more about your drinking. On the average, how many days a week do you drink? When you drink, how many drinks (one beer = 5oz. wine = 1.5 oz. whiskey) do you average at a sitting? What's the most drinks that you've had at a sitting in the past month? Has your drinking caused you any problems? Have you or anyone you're close to ever felt that you have a drinking problem?

Dear DrSteve,

I think I see where you're headed and I don't like it. Well, who cares, I'll hear what you have to say before drawing any conclusions. I drink beer at least 3 or 4 times a week, and I average about 3 or 4 at a sitting, a little more on the weekends. The most I've had at one time in the past month is probably 8 or 9. When I drink that much I don't like the way I feel the next day, and my girlfriend can't stand me when I've had more than a couple - she says I get really obnoxious.

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