Barry Bonds Arm Guard: Why is it legal?

hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
I have a question....

How come no one else where's an arm guard like Barry does?? I figure if anyone could wear it, atleast couple other players would be doing it by now. I heard it's illegal for a player to wear a contraption on his body because it tampers with the purity of the game, however, Barry is a special case because he recieved an injury on that arm before so he is allowed to wear it, just like how John Olerud gets to wear a special protected helmit when he bats. Is this true or can anyone wear the arm guard if they wanted to?

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
I just heard on the "Last Word" with Jim Rome that bonds gets to use the arm guard because he has medical allowance since he had an injury to his arm 4 yrs ago.
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