Barry Bonds


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Feb 6, 2000
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Last night I was watching sportscenter and they had an interview with barry bonds. I had never heard him speak before and was very surprised to hear his voice. As I listened to him I am thinking, "man is this guy gay?". My wife was upstairs in the bedroom with the door open as the interview was going on she popped her head out of the door and said "that guy is gay". I'm not trying to stir anything up, but I was curious if we were the only people thinking this when hearing the interview.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
allot of people pound on bonds # 1 for how he handles the media he just doesnot and has never wanted to talk to them. why? because they treated his dad at times unfair.
3@ he has rally only onr run in every that was in spring training with jim it it was blowen up it was said and over within the time practice.
the guy has never benn pulled over for dwi.
has never had a speeding ticket
has never beat his wife or any women
has never been caught or accused of doing any type of drug.
donates allot of time and monet to needy childre that are well below the povity line
visits a childrens hospital each mont in sf and reads to the children.3
pends time with family and children in hopes of bring them up the right way in his eyes.
so what him and kemp dont get along well let me tell you kemp has had a few run in with the law and thanks to daddy they were smashed and he is a dick of a person,ask people who know him.
so the media trys to make bonds look like the bad guy cause he wont kiss there ass in get in to contavirsity which they love to write about.
how many other super stars in pro sports can you say this about?


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Feb 6, 2000
Phoenix, AZ, USA
I am not trying to bag on Bonds. I like Bonds, I just never heard him talk before and he came across to me as a homo. Hey, I don't care if he putts from the rough. I am just wondering if I am the only person who thought this when they heard him on that interview last night. I even think he had the lisp and everything.


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Nov 4, 2000
Mr Beerman I know lots of folks sound one way or the other. There who they are, most not gay. Will that matter on how many home runs he hits. I mean is it worth talking about.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
my point is the guy has been around along time has kept his nose clean on and off the field,and in this day in age you donot see that,
the media hates him and i am sure he dislikes them for his reasons,but know one can question the type of player or person that he is,yes is is poor in post season but if any of you truley know baseball not just think you do you are getting a chance to see on of the best that has ever playerd the game and thats with ruth,mays anyone check your stats and you will see bonds in the top five of most out of every baseball player ever.

[This message has been edited by fletcher (edited 06-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by fletcher (edited 06-25-2001).]


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Nov 4, 2000
Fletch i played baseball and loved doing it. I agree this guy is very good. He has been for long time. And i know many hate to here this. But he might hit 73. That's if they are allowed to pitch to him. You know that every chance to give him chit to swing at thats what he will see.


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Jun 11, 2001
"I even think he had the lisp and everything." Judging a man on the way he talks, lisp or not, is ridiculous. You are honestly questioning his sexual preference solely on how he talks? He talks in complete sentences, using proper English, without mumbling and without slang. Plus he lives and plays in San Francisco. Yep, must be gay.


I'd pound it
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Sunny Florida and Naptown
bonds gay? have you met the guy? did he make a pass at you? passing judgement by someones voice is stretching it a little isn't it.

this b.s. with media reminds me of another great player in the nba. Bill Russell. boy he was an ahole back then wasn't he. he refused interviews, autographs and so on.

screw the media. crying because they can't get an interview from him. if you don't want to talk to someone you don't have to do you. this guy has been chastised all his career. all he does is produce. oh i forgot except in the playoffs. thats a joke too. bet you could name several other big name players who didn't produce during the playoffs also. i'm not a bonds fan but i do respect him. and he has walways been one hell of an athlete. he may also be one of the best role models in the game. but no one never says that do they. all they say is that he is arrogant. had clean record his whole career. no drugs, no beating his wife, hasn't refused to play because he wants more cabbage. Hell even the fans in atlanta gave him a standing ovation the other day. never seen that before.

maybe the baseball writers will get even when it comes election time into the hall of fame. don't be suprised if they doing something to get even. then we will see who the true di*kheads are.


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Jun 11, 2001
"stretching it a little isn't it" Boy isn't that an understatement. Ridiculous! Anyway, just wait until he decides not to participate in the HR contest at the All Star game. The media will tear him up. In his live press conference yesterday he said he did NOT want to participate. Said his team and how he played the 2nd half was more important to him than wearing himself out is some contest. He then followed that up by saying that they (meaning MLB) has a way of convincing you once you get down there. Remember Griffey Jr a couple years back...


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Feb 6, 2000
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Nobody seems to be getting the point of my post. I like Barry bonds and respect him, I was just very suprised about the way he talked. The point of the post was to see if I was the only one who thought this when they heard him talk the first time. I WAS NOT SAYING BONDS IS GAY, I WAS NOT INSULTING HIM. I was just merely making an observation. Apparently my wife and I were the only ones who thought this, which I find hard to believe.


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Jun 11, 2001
You said, "I like Bonds, I just never heard him talk before and he came across to me as a homo"

So you are not SAYING he is gay based only on how he talks, just asking if anyone else got that impression based solely on the way the guy talks. No, I for one did not the first time I heard him interviewed back when he was with the Pirates, and still do not. Of course, I don't make generalizations and stereotype folks based on the way they happen to speak. You seem to have with Bonds, and my point was how ridiculous that is for him, or anyone else for that matter. As djv said, " it worth talking about."


Forum Member
Jun 29, 2001
hey beerman never judge a man by the way he talks the first time i heard mike tyson i thought he was in la-la land i wouldnt ask him if he was gay.beerman i mean oldfriend your still a jerk as far as im concerned ill bet you have a flower shop.


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May 31, 2001
While at a party recently, there were some female enterainers present(guests)--excuse me, they prefer to be called dancers. One young women told me that Barry Bonds was very receptive and an generous tipper in the club she worked at. TIFWIW


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Feb 6, 2000
Phoenix, AZ, USA
I thought this thread was going to die, but I guess not. This thread was not meant to be taken so seriously, I was just trying to have a little fun. For those of you who think I am a jerk because of one post out of 100 are hypocrites because you are judging a book by it's cover as well.
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