Barry U.S. Bonds


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Nov 20, 2001
Maumee, Ohio
Just read a couple of articles concerning Barry Bonds. I just wanna VOMIT!!! Him and his blood sucking point man Bor-ass. They along a huge part of whats wrong with baseball. I would just hope that the owners in pro baseball would have learned from the huge mistake made by the Rangers with ARod. But there will be some idiot owner who will give him $20 mil. to be a one man team.

hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Don't blame the agents or barry bonds, blame the teams or baseball commission. The blame starts at the top. If the teams or commission set rules for themselves, such as disallowing such and such amt of salary(for instance a cap for a single player), then things wouldn't be as bad as it is. You can't expect Barry or his agent to be like "Oh, we want a lot of money, but we don't want tooooo much, so we rather settle for less than what we can actually get."


Call me TIB
Forum Member
Jun 14, 2001
Tuscaloosa, AL
I agree, and don't think it's just baseball, all sports are doing this. Athletes are overpaid cause too many owners give in to this. You can do less and less nowadays and get paid more and more. I remember when 5 mill a year was a lot, now it's underpaid for even mediocre players. Everytime the owners give in to a players demands, it drives it up.

Now can all the owners just put a stop to it? I doubt it. I don't really think they have a choice at this point. Whenever one says no, two more would jump in to say yes, we'll give you 10 mil. That's a huge problem in sports today.
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