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Camelot Sportsbook

Registered User
Forum Member

Camelot Sportsbook is happy to kick off the start of the Baseball Playoffs with a Special Offer that includes an increased signup bonus!!!

We normally offer a standard 10% signup bonus, as well as a 10% reload
bonus, but on Monday October 8th, all players making deposits will receive either a 15% SIGNUP BONUS OR EVEN A 20% SIGNUP BONUS depending on their method of deposit. This bonus is available to all methods of deposit, but deposits made via Neteller or Securebuxx qualify for a 20% bonus special. The extra bonus money is available thanks to a collaboration between Camelot and our friends at Neteller, as well as an indepenent arrangement we also reached with Securebuxx. Please note that Paypal and Western Union deposits DO qualify for the lesser 15% bonus special.

This offer begins at 9 AM Eastern Time Monday morning and when making your deposit, please call Camelot at 1-888-668-9886 and you MUST tell the operator that your Baseball Special Offer Password is MAJOR LEAGUE. If you do not wish to call and prefer to make your
transaction entirely online, you MUST send us an e-mail confirming
that you are a MAJOR LEAGUE depositor, otherwise you will get the 10%
standard bonus as opposed to the 15% or 20% special bonus.

Please note that this offer ends the minute the first Baseball Playoff game begins at 1 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, so Monday is the time to strike, and the maximum bonus any player can receive is $2,000. Any deposit is also subject to the following play through requirements, which is that you must put into action 5 times your deposit plus bonus before withdrawing. However, there are no time limitations on your withdrawal as we are interested in long term customers instead of bonus jumpers. If you have any questions about this offer, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or phone.

Thank you for choosing Camelot Sportsbook and best of luck with the
upcoming NFL campaign.

Mark Del
Sportsbook Manager
Camelot Sportsbook


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I just read a supposed email from you to another site owner. Did you really send him that? Their site blows, and I have several friends who play with you and say your book is good and that u pay. I had a question about some of your comments in the off the wall forum several weeks ago, but I suppose Camelot is legit. Anyway, just wondering if you really sent that email or if it was a fabrication and another lie from you know who. Good luck.

Camelot Sportsbook

Registered User
Forum Member

Regrettably, the majority of what they posted was in fact sent in an me. However, it was an excerpt from a series of correspondence that took place between myself and these the two owners of Bett*******d .

My comments to them were inappropriate and I certainly regret the incident. However, 3 key points if I can in my defense.

1. The anger I was feeling was incredible as the owners of Bett*****d have engaged in a vicious smear campaign against me and Camelot for no other reason than the fact that I did not advertise with them AND I happen to be friends with some other people they really hate. They ignore the dozens of posters at their site who have said positive things about Camelot...I thought that sites like that were about who pays and who runs a good book and not who they like? They also do not allow me to defend myself from their libelous and slanderous accusations as they have banned me from posting on their site even though I have never been rude or abusive to anyone on their site.

2. The final incident that 'sent me over the edge' came when they did a special article on their site where they published my real name, address in the U.S. and other important personal information about me for NO reason, along with other words of attack designed to not only make me look bad, but place me in a potentially difficult legal position. This act should be TOTALLY unacceptable to players and bookies alike in light of the questionable legal status of the offshore industry when it comes to employees like myself. This was not only malicious, but should serve as a frightening indicator of what kind of people run the show at Bett*****d.

3. A mutual friend of mine and theirs had indicated to me that one of these individuals was the kind of guy who could keep his mouth shut and would be comfortable with the idea of "settling this dispute the old fashioned way" As a result, I felt comfortable with sending him this challenge assuming he would contact me and we would settle this privately. Instead, he showed his further lack of by not only posting the excerpt from our communicatuons on his site, but also engaging in a bulk e-mail campaign to anyone whose e-mail address somehow got into their hands. They did this under the guise of "protecting" players, but the truth is if they were really interested in protecting players, they would have printed the posts of the numerous people who have ACTUALLY PLAYED WITH US...and those people will never say that we anything but a rock solid out who has paid EVERY winning customer on time.

I hope this explanation, not excuse, gives you a better understanding of what took place here and why I was driven to such extremes. If I could do it again, I would handle some things differently relative to this other site, but at this point, all I can do is move on and ask that you, and others, judge me and Camelot on what we do as a sportsbook, and on that front, ask your friends and fellow posters who have played at Camelot and I'm confident that we will hold up under scrutiny.

Mark D.
Camelot Sportsbook

[This message has been edited by Camelot Sportsbook (edited 10-09-2001).]
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Those guys are weasels, that's for sure. Sounds like they really pushed you over the edge, and that's understandable, especially when you can't defend yourself. I guess that's the kind of game playing idiots they are.

My friends that play with you have only said good things, and that's all that counts in my mind. Luck to you.