BE ready all of YOU they are coming to KILL you !!!!


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
FBI: Indiana Teen Wanted to Join ISIS, Researched Homeland Terror Targets

Federal officials today arrested an 18-year-old Indiana man who the FBI said had researched potential terrorist targets in his home state before attempting to make his way out of the country and eventually join ISIS in Libya.

Akram Musleh was intercepted by authorities at an Indianapolis Greyhound bus station this afternoon as he tried to board a bus to New York, according to a criminal complaint unsealed by the Department of Justice. From there, the complaint said Musleh planned to fly to Morocco and then make his way to ISIS fighters in Libya.

But before he attempted to leave the U.S., Musleh searched online for information about potential terror targets in Indiana, explosive materials and pressure cookers. An FBI agent followed him in early May to a local Walmart where the complaint says Musleh appeared to ?shop for pressure cookers, but left without making a purchase.? Pressure cookers have been used to house explosive devices, such as the twin bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon in April 2013.

The FBI apparently first came across Musleh back in August 2013 when he posted videos on YouTube of the late American al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a man who is thought to have at least partly inspired a growing number of homegrown jihadists. Officials at Musleh?s high school, ?in coordination with the FBI, took steps to dissuade Musleh [from] engaging in radical extremism.?

Apparently, it didn?t take. In September 2014, Musleh purportedly bought a black flag often associated with ISIS online and a few months later posed for photos in front of it. In several online conversations apparently monitored by investigators, Musleh discusses with ISIS sympathizers -- and at least one FBI "confidential human source" -- his desire to join ISIS and in one part says he pledged his allegiance to the terror group, according to the complaint.

Musleh made his initial court appearance today and is being represented by a public defender, according to Tim Horty, a spokesperson for the Department of Justice. He is scheduled to be back in court on Monday and faces up to 20 years in prison, the DOJ said.

Pie 3 minutes ago

I gravely worry our country and American people after

1. our politician told us that San Bernardino terrorist attack was workplace violence and now focus on gun control and imply this is the resolution to the radical and extremist because after gun control, there will be no Boston bomber, shoe bomber, 911 attack,,,,,,,

2. Adding 9 trillion debt in a matter of 7 years now our country is financially broke with 18 trillion debt totally while adding 2 billion debt per day. The amount of debt created during Obama administration is larger than the total debt built up by our previous 43 Presidents in the last 240 years.

3. Politician played race card, created a large social class of dependency, diminished middle class, focus on the pseudo issues, and slowly failed our country both in foreign policy and in the severe global competition

This is the time we really need to change our country.

James 2 hours ago

Give him what he wants, ship him over to Syria and strap a chute to his sorry rear end and send him on his way.

AllTheSame 1 hour ago

20 years in prison? Why not just revoke their citizenship and send them on their way?

james 15 minutes ago

Wow another no shocker here. He knew his goal. He knew what he wanted. But some Dr. Will claim crazy when in fact these people who kill in the name of any religion are simply put. Weak #$%$ pu$$ies. Can't make it in one of the most free countries finds some coward wisdom in a dead man's talking. You will NEVER convince Islam means for pease.

I've been there for a time will in the army I've studied up on Islam founding of islam. Islam is about convinced a black person to acceptance but in fact Islam has viewed blacks or Africans as pure slaves. Look it up read it. In white and reading the historical accounts of Islam through the centuries who would a black person covert knowing after reading what Islam did to over 150,000,000 Africans in 900 years..... Its mind boggling. They have enslaved more than Britain America Spanish combined.....

You don't see many white or Mexican or Asian coverting they do but not at pace the black population has. Islam has a rule in there home lands to this day. Higher taxes for Christians or any NON Muslim believer. For anyone not up to date to that go there with a cross around your neck and walk around.

Dose anyone find it weird that massive Christians and Catholics now help needy in the world were as Islam worries about there kinkgdoms and money. Sure the two faiths have had there bad days some very bad. Yet they still spend a ton of time and money in Africa Asia south America and get this the Arab world as well. Give you insight to the Islamic religion workings. You now see Saudi Arabia worries about money

really there oil that's running out in my lifetime worries about there kingdom walk the royal family spending money crazy on them selfs. They only travel to 3 places in there country everywhere else Islamic extream is being created and hatred for the house of Saud. The ruling family for over 300 years.

Robert 1 hour ago

From what I understand, the shooter in Orlando was interviewed a couple of times by the FBI & turned loose. They should have canned him without any consideration after the first interview.and it's exactly what they should do with this nut. The reason I say that is because after the first interview they know that they have been "found" and they have to go into action soon or they won't get t complete their mission.

Mark 20 minutes ago

If convicted and found guilty, kick the family members out of the country, immediately stop all their welfare and free housing which all muslims receive when they come to this country, find out what mosque he attended and investigate it, and finally once the crazy muslim completes his long prison sentence, kick him out of the country and strip his citizenship!

Edna Stephens 1 hour ago

Hey you tack another 10 years on there for money laundering if withdrew money from his account to get to Syria. Now days every other criminal complaint you read about includes an indictment for money laundering. Personally I like Tide and a Maytag wash machine.:mj07:

Lynda 1 hour ago

He's a double moron for wanting to go to a stink hole like Syria to fight with psychopaths and for thinking he could post all this garbage with pictures on Facebook without someone telling on him. Here I thought our youth were so tech savvy yet they still don't get the concept that stuff posted on social media, especially Facebook, is out there for the FBI to see.

DROPS Mike on stage BOOM :0008


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
The story was stupid enough. Did you have to double down with adding the comments made by the rest of the morons that don't believe in fact checking?

In the future, can you stick to videos of you heating up a sandwich in the microwave?

Hope this helps,

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
The story was stupid enough. Did you have to double down with adding the comments made by the rest of the morons that don't believe in fact checking?

In the future, can you stick to videos of you heating up a sandwich in the microwave?

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk


So this isn't true??

I literally just read it on yahoo

Ps why are you such a dick all the time?



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa

So this isn't true??

I literally just read it on yahoo

Ps why are you such a dick all the time?

I'm not a dick all the time, but certainly sometimes.

No the story isn't completely accurate and much of it has already been debunked.

My reaction, or dickness if you will, is the whole "they are coming to kill you" crap. I'm not a fan of hating on groups because of racial, religious, or social differences. Statements like that promote hatred and bigotry towards others. I know there are those that are loving all the racially toned attitudes the Trump, among others, are putting out there, but it's not okay and not funny. At least not to me. Scrapman isn't the only one here, but he has made racist and bigoted comments before. I don't like it, consequently you get what you see here.
I have nothing personal against the guy, but freedom of expression is a double edged sword sometimes.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk
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