Intense One-Its really quite simple:I was writing a thread about how I handicap NFL football games,something I work at,have done for 32 years,and something that happens to be one of the alleged purposes of this website.People get to read ideas and different ways of handicapping from others,new angles most don't work,some that really do.Thats the reason I'm here.i'm interested in handicapping ideas.Only when someone makes a racist comment or tells someone they should have sex with their spouse "on demand "do I comment on other matters,You fall into column B.You came into my thread and wrote some negative comment challenging what i was saying about how I grade games,when I clarified that I always work with opening lines,you again answered with some negative,wise,unhelpful comment.Just a clue,this isn't appreciated by most people.Then I notice you doing the same stuff to many others at MJS.Lastly ,you told some guy with a legitimate,sensitive problem to buy his wife a new Lexis,where upon she should have sex with him"upon demand."I kind of feel that that type of comment is one of those rare moment when we get to see what is really inside someone,Intense Guy,and the picture isn't pretty if thats how you view women.Thats not even funny if you were joking which I really doubt you were.Hope this clears matters up,I didn't cuss you out or insult you,just leave me alone pissing matches are definately not what MJs is about,and you've got enough other enemies here from what i gather,why not focus on them?