Results obtained from Bloodyelbow
Neil Grove vs. Eddie Sanchez - Round 1 - Grove hurts Sanchez right away and follows him to the ground where he's laying big punches on him. Grove stands back up and lands a kick to the body when Eddie stands up. Again he hits him and puts him on the ground, pounds him and as soon as Eddie looks for an armbar Grove stands up. Leg kick from Grove. Sanchez with a bad mouse and he's badly hurt. He's throwing haymakers but Grove is destroying him. Sanchez is badly beat up and has trouble standing up and grabbed his head so the ref stopped it. He is messed up, this is a really good stoppage. Neil Grove wins by TKO, round 1. That's as impressive as I've seen Grove look in a long time.
Megumi Fujii vs. Carla Esparza - Round 1 - Fujii with some nice punches and these two are throwing hands early. Fujii using nice in-out movement to hit and get away before a return shot comes. Esparza defends the first couple takedown attempts by Fujii. Esparza finds a little success walking in with combinations and now Fujii pulls guard but Esparza stands up. Esparza defends a judo throw and lands a punch as Fujii moves away. Fujii drops down and is looking for a heel hook. Fujii switches to a toe hold but Esparza avoids it so Fujii transitions to get on top in Esparza's guard. Esparza shoots and Fujii rolls and looks for a choke as the round ends. 10-9 Fujii. Good round. Round 2 - Esparza lands a right hand and they end up in a clinch and Fujii is looking for a leg again. Esparza survives the leg lock attempt but Fujii slides right onto an arm and Esparza has to tap. Megumi Fujii wins by submission (armbar), round 2.
Herbert "Whisper" Goodman vs. Hector Lombard - Round 1 - Lombard charges into Goodman headhunting with wild winging punches. He quickly backs him up into the cage and drops him with a right hand. He follows him down and ref Jorge Alonso stops the beating in short order. Hector Lombard by KO, round 1.
Yves Edwards vs. Luis Palomino - We pick up the action in the third round. Edwards easily won the first, and arguably took the second. Round 3 - Both men stalking on the feet. "Baboon" chants from the crowd for Palomino, who has a head kick blocked by Edwards. Leg kick from Palomino now, and Edwards counters with a left hand and a kick of his own. Palomino rushes forward with a combination, but nothing lands. Another head kick blocked by Edwards. Yves ducks a right hook from Palomino and floors him with a double-leg with less than 60 seconds on the clock. Edwards passes to half-guard and closes out the bout there. Should be a unanimous decision for Edwards, who certainly won the first and third rounds. Yves Edwards def. Luis Palomino via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)