Best Payment Method?


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Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
It's NO contest: PAYPAL is by far the easiest and most secure place to handle your dough!! I found out about this little gem nearly 6 months ago, and I've probably done over #100 transactions without a hitch!! Best part: IT'S FREE!!

Basically works like this: You create an account and fund it using either your personal checking acct, personal savings acct, or any credit card you might have. If you select your personal or savings account, Paypal will simply send an automatic draft to your bank for the amount you request. Keep in mind, all the automatic drafts that you request your bank to send Paypal or Paypal to send funds to your account is completely FREE. There are also no monthly fees to setup an account with them.

One of the best parts is they pay you a pretty decent % on your money. Actually, their rates are always better than what my bank's savings account rates are. The rate fluctuates with prime and is currently a little over 2 1/2%. They currently have about 15 million customers and they've been in business less than 1 year. I've started to notice that more and more merchants are accepting Paypal as method of payment for goods or services. You can fund your offshore account is less than 5 minutes using Paypal. You can also send money to anyone in the world that has a valid email account, even if they are not a Paypal customer! Think about it: If you get an email that states someone is trying to send money to you that would be deposited into your personal checking accout, wouldn't you sign up with Paypal and create an account??

Also, your Paypal account is insured up to $100,000 dollars by Travelers Insurance Company. It's by FAR the easiest to use, and I couldn't imagine life without it!! Screw all the damn credit cards, western union fees, etc..etc... Oh yeah, did I mention it's completely FREEEEEEEEEEE!
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