What is the one game/play/ending that you'll never forget where you were regardless of how much time goes by
If you think of how many snaps/pitches/shots we watch in a lifetime, our brain only retains a small percentage of them....
My Papa, My dad, my brother, and myself...we just had this conversation and literally we all had different moments we remembered......my papa's was almost all baseball...seems like baseball was a way of life for that generation
if someone asked me why sports entertain and are such a big part of my life, I'd say it's because of the unpredictable and the unexpected
These I remember vividly like it was yesterday...not sure why the mind retained these above all else
-Bryce drew from Valparaiso hitting the game winner in the tourney game when Noone knew who "valpo" was....
-Luis Gonzalez bloop hit vs Yankees to win the WS....I remember mixed feelings....I hate the yanks..but wanted them to win for 9/11....
- the #3 car crashing into the wall in what turned out to be earnharts last moments...
- when Polamalu picked off Flacco in heinz field and flew into the end zone on their eventual superbowl title run....I was at the game and I've never seen a place like that and never will again...I believe that was the year....I remember the play/reaction vividly....but not the whole day or game..
- call ripken Jr breaking the record...what a class act...I was a huge fan of his
Anyone wanna share please do....I hadn't even been aware of some of the things my dad and papa were talking about...learned a lot
If you think of how many snaps/pitches/shots we watch in a lifetime, our brain only retains a small percentage of them....
My Papa, My dad, my brother, and myself...we just had this conversation and literally we all had different moments we remembered......my papa's was almost all baseball...seems like baseball was a way of life for that generation
if someone asked me why sports entertain and are such a big part of my life, I'd say it's because of the unpredictable and the unexpected
These I remember vividly like it was yesterday...not sure why the mind retained these above all else
-Bryce drew from Valparaiso hitting the game winner in the tourney game when Noone knew who "valpo" was....
-Luis Gonzalez bloop hit vs Yankees to win the WS....I remember mixed feelings....I hate the yanks..but wanted them to win for 9/11....
- the #3 car crashing into the wall in what turned out to be earnharts last moments...
- when Polamalu picked off Flacco in heinz field and flew into the end zone on their eventual superbowl title run....I was at the game and I've never seen a place like that and never will again...I believe that was the year....I remember the play/reaction vividly....but not the whole day or game..
- call ripken Jr breaking the record...what a class act...I was a huge fan of his
Anyone wanna share please do....I hadn't even been aware of some of the things my dad and papa were talking about...learned a lot