For your consideration...(long)
For your consideration...(long)
If you're really listing the Best Sports Movie, maybe you want something that tells you something about sports, and about people, not just something where a guy hits a golf ball with a hockey stick. That said, here's my list.
1. When We Were Kings
1a. Hoop Dreams
1b. Raging Bull
2. Bull Durham
"WWWK" can be watched over and over. You'll see this and realize that no actor could have the screen presence or charisma that Ali himself has. The scenes of him out running in Africa with no logos or anything are pure. Essential sports movie.
Some people consider Raging Bull the best MOVIE of the 80's. Its also a great book.
Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore are funny, but Bull Durham is really funny. Its funny in a well thought out, well-crafted way and really pays tribute to baseball. I tend to believe Fletch when he says it got it right. I think someone else may have been able to play Crash better, but that's my only complaint.
I heard Bob Costas once say that Bull Durham is the best baseball movie because it gets the romance right without being schmaltzy. Take that as you may, but I think it was a shot at "The Natural" and "Field of Dreams", two of the WORST sports movies ever made. "Tin Cup" and "Blue Chip" are better movies than "The Natural," which will be forgotten much like "Bang the Drum Slowly".
"Happy Gilmore" is funny, but not in a lasting way like "Bull Durham". A movie with a guy riding horsey style on a golf club while someone else says, "doing the bull-dance. feeling the flow" just isn't going to stand up to the test of time, and really can't be seriously considered as the "BEST SPORTS MOVIE". At least no one listed, yet, "The Waterboy" which is indisputably terrible even if you're a Sandler fan, but maybe no worse than "The Natural."