They will continue to ignore your payout request until you provide them with proof of who you are. It's for your protection and theirs.
That is what I am trying to tell you. I understand all of this. I have provided them with MORE than enough. The initial problem was digital signature, I corrected that with hand written signature in blue ink. Each time it is something new. Photos of my License, bank statements, cards used to deposit and everything but my damn Kids Birth Certificates I have provided. Actually more than I am comfortable with. I have no clue where this stuff is ending up. I have never, ever went through this in 25 years of gaming. It's not like I am cashing out 100k either.
That was the best excuse I received was that it was all for my protection but the very card that was in question was only used at BOL and had to be destroyed last year due to fraudulent charges, go figure.
Never expected these kind of games from a place as flashy as BOL. Bottom line is form after form, photo after photo, Private document after Private Document was returned "as instructed" yet each payout request is cancelled. There is something else going on at BOL so BEWARE!!! Caveat Emptor
Hopefully this prevents someone else from getting the run around. Quite insulting to be treated in such a manner let me tell you. Wish I never opened an account there. What a headache!
Needless to say I won't ever use them again. Big loss for them :142smilie