Thanks guys. I got your e-mails if you wish to edit them out of your post.
I am happy that my work is being used and appreciated. I think you will be impressed with this next version and it's added features. The file size is double the last one.
My mission for the three of you will be as follows:
1) Rate it for accuracy of calculation (I am pretty sure all formulas are working, but it doesn't hurt to have others test your work)
2) Rate it for ease (or difficulty) of use
3) Tell me if there is anything else that should/could be included.
For a taste, in addition to all old features, we will have......
tracking broken down spread v. M/L
tracking parlays by number of team
tracking teasers by number of team
accomadation for laying juice in a parlay
accomodation for pushes in reverses
tracking of propositions
tracking of half-times
tracking of quarters
tracking of futures
'variable' unit tracking
tracking for user defined 'other' sports
parlay calculators (FB, Hoops & M/L)
teaser calculators
odds calculators