- The View from the Couch


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Mar 15, 1999
63 - The View from the Couch - by Gavin McDougald!

February 22nd, 2006 - Springtime for Barry in San Francisco.

With all the hullabaloo going on over there in Turin(o) these past couple of weeks, what has been the annual right of spring took place, the usual demarcation event that falls between winter?s blahs and the promise of a long hot summer, and most of us missed it.

Of course, I?m talking about Barry Bonds making a jerk of himself. The mouth that bored deigned to gave an interview this week to USA Today talking about how he would definitely not be ?playing baseball anymore after this,? how the game is ?not fun anymore? and ?once the season is over, [he?ll] go home and be with [his] family.?

?Maybe then everybody can just forget about me."

Sounds like a plan. If only it were true.

Clearly Barry has a disconnect between his mouth and his brain because a few hours after USA TODAY first published its interview, Bonds told, "If I can play (in 2007), I'm going to play; if I can't, I won't."

Promising to show up for opening day workouts at spring training the following day, he implored the press to take it easy on him. ?At least let me get to spring training and **** up before you crucify me.?

So what does the man with the Christ complex do? He doesn?t show up.

Ring-ring - Hello, Mr. Bonds? It?s the press here. Just to let you know, those hammer and nails you ordered will be delivered as per your request.

If we look at all of this closely ? there appears to be a discernable pattern emerging here. That is, most everything Barry Bonds says initially seems to be proven to be not true either by his own words or deeds shortly there afterwards. So - Let us look at what else Barry Bonds said over the last couple of days:

On his involvement with the BALCO scandal:

? "I'm clean; I've always been clean."

On not hesitating to walk away from the game, only 48 home runs shy of breaking Hank Aaron's record:

? "I've never cared about records anyway."

On not playing for the USA in the inaugural World Baseball Classic in March:

? "This has nothing to do with drug testing."

If we apply this contrarian theory ? Barry Bonds has been a longtime substance abuser obsessed with setting personal records but he is terrified of being caught.

Does that sound very far from the truth?

He is arguably ? and you won?t get one here - the greatest baseball player who ever lived.

He is also bad for the game and should retire now, not later, before he breaks the all-time home run mark sullying perhaps the greatest record in sports.

However, maybe there?s hope. After all, he did say he would play this season.

Which means, according to him, he won?t.

Cheers - Gavin McDougald - AKA Couch

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