- View From the Couch - by Gavin McDougald


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Mar 15, 1999
Case Clothed

They first tried it a few years back.

On the front cover of the NBA's official magazine, Allen Iverson's multitude of tattoos where airbrushed out. At the time, there was almost universal outrage over this lame attempt to soften the image of the then poster boy for the league.

A public apology was issued. The leagues image was damaged.


Image is everything, and they offer no apologies for cracking down on their players' look.

The NBA announced a minimum dress code in a memo to teams on Monday.

The commissioner, David 'Suddenly Very' Stern said, "We have a minimum standard that we've set that reflects on the professionals in our sport."

The new rules require players to wear something called 'business casual' attire. Question: If their business is playing basketball, how much more 'casual' can they get than wearing a basketball uni? Besides the funked-out clothes, they've got to cut back on the accessories as well. The NBA is now a bling-reduced zone. Players can no longer wear necklaces worn over the top of clothes, sunglasses (while indoors), and headphones (other than on the bus or plane, or in the locker-room). Breaking the dress code will result in league fines.

This sudden turnaround is due to the brawl in Detroit last season that gave the league - along with several fans and players - a black eye.

Some of the league's most popular players will have the most trouble complying.

Current league MVP Steve Nash usually travels in snowboard pants and T-shirts. Spurs star Tim Duncan wore an extra-large untucked shirt and baggy jeans on the first night of the new 'standard'.

The perennially clueless Nuggets centre Marcus Camby, who will earn $9.3 million this season, told reporters players should receive a clothing stipend.

Indiana Pacers guard Stephen Jackson, calls the ban on chains worn over clothing "a racist statement."

Maybe Jackson should re-write the old black spiritual to, "We shall overdress."

What is the real issue however?

Playing their newly acquired upper hand, the NBA is attempting to change their bad-boy image by making its players look nice.

Allen Iverson, who will openly protest the new mandate, told the Philadelphia Daily News "just because you put a guy in a tuxedo, it doesn't mean he's a good guy."

Especially if the guy is wearing a 'do-rag at the same time.

Will being sunglasses and iPod free walking from the team bus into the arena change their image? I'm sure the bus drivers and arena janitors will be suitably impressed.

For we fans, this change will have little effect. The NBA games will still feature screaming hip-hop. Rings and earrings were not banned so their will still be bling-oh-plently.

What will change will be us judging the new sartorial splendor the guys come up with.

On the first night of the new rules, Shaq was resplendent in a gigantic mauve suit, with matching hat, shirt, tie and shoes completing the ensemble.

Somewhere Mr. Blackwell is holding up a sign with a '10' on it.

Cheers - Gavin McDougald - AKA Couch

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