Posts Odds on Michael Richards


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Mar 15, 1999
BETUS.COM POSTS ODDS ON HIS FUTURE Posts Odds on Michael Richards

November 20, New York ? Seinfeld?s reputation for being a light-hearted, comedy series may be tarnished forever due to Michael Richards? (Kramer) racial outburst on set at a comedy club. The rant began when audience members refused to be quiet during Richards? set which led to him screaming the ?N-word? at the top of his lungs. Audience members who thought they were going to see the humorous ?Kramer? and instead saw a racist, began walking out as Richards left the stage.

For nine seasons ?Kramer? and the cast of Seinfeld made its way through our televisions and into our lives. The quick-witted show with the notorious slap-bass jingle brought situational humor to a new level explaining why its syndication came as no surprise once the show ended.

Due to the recent outburst and public shock,, the largest most successful sportsbook on the web, posted odds on Michael Richards.

Analysts at posted the following odds regarding Michael Richards:

Odds on what Michael Richards will do next:
He will confess to being a KKK member- 50/1
He will write a book titled the Kramer Mein Kampf- 150/1
He will marry an African American man- 20/1
He will donate a million dollars to the NAACP- 10/1
He will attempt to start Kramer Arian youth groups- 150/1
He will be arrested for a hate crime- 2/1
He will admit to an African American heritage- 150/1
He will tour Africa- 6/4
He will Marry Michael Jackson- 2/1
He will move to South Africa and advocate apartheid- 150/1
Mike Tyson will physically assault him- 5/1
Michael Richards (Kramer) Will Disappear- 10/1
Michael Richards (Kramer) will move to the south- 150/1
Kramer will begin a celebrity KKK group- 5/1

Who will be the next group Michael Richards (Kramer) will insult
Women- 2/1
Asians- 2/1
Latinos- 2/1
Indians- 5/1
Native Americans- 10/1
Gays- 6/4
Semites- 5/1
Elders- 6/4
Children- 10/1
Arabs- 2/1
Catholic Community- 5/1
Republicans- 5/1
Democrats- 10/1

Who will be the next celebrity to use the ?N-word? in public:
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