Biden?s lobbying ties

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Feb 13, 2008
Biden?s lobbying ties


Biden?s lobbying ties

posted at 9:30 am on August 23, 2008 by Ed Morrissey
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How thoroughly did Barack Obama vet Joe Biden? After months of demonizing lobbyists, Obama selected a running mate who has taken millions in contributions from those same lobbyists Obama supposedly eschewed, at least until the DNC started running out of money. In fact, Biden?s son works as a lobbyist on Capitol Hill, accruing the kind of earmarks that Obama has both decried and pursued:
Biden has accepted $5,133,072 in contributions from lawyers and lobbyists since 2003. Obama does not accept contributions from federally registered lobbyists.
And he has one other weakness that hasn?t received much attention to date. One of Biden?s sons, Hunter, is a registered Washington lobbyist in a year in which Obama has been excoriating lobbyists and the culture of corruption in Washington. The younger Biden is a name partner at the firm Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP, and seems to have specialized in lobbying for just the kind of earmark spending by Congress that Obama has vowed to slash. Republican insiders say the party is likely to make an issue of Biden?s family lobbying ties.
Also expect to hear more about Biden?s close ties with credit card companies. His largest contributor (based on total contributions by employees) over the past five years has been MBNA, the Delaware-based bank aquired in 2005 by Bank of America than until then was the world?s largest independent credit card issuer and a major supporter of the 2005 bankruptcy bill that Biden crossed the aisle to support.

Once again, I want to point out that lobbying is a Constitutionally protected exercise. The First Amendment gives Americans the right to petition Congress, and nothing prohibits or even discourages citizens from organizing in that effort to harness the power of numbers. Run ethically, the practice of lobbying fills an important role in politics.
Of course, I?m not the one declaring lobbyists persona non grata in the Democratic Party. That was Barack Obama, who declared just two months ago that lobbyists would not fund ?my party?:

The Democratic National Committee will uphold the same standard: We will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs. ? They will not fund my party!
Take a look at the top five industries that donate to Biden as well:
Lawyers/law firms
Real estate
Securities & investment
Miscellaneous finance
Real estate and miscellaneous finance ? wouldn?t that figure into the credit crisis and the housing market collapse?
It looks like Obama didn?t just throw Hope and Change under the bus, but himself right along with it. Whether this is hypocrisy or incompetence, it?s stunning either way.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Lots of busy beavers out there getting their hatchet job 'columns' written and out there within hours of the announcement.
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The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Lots of busy beavers out there getting their hatchet job 'columns' written and out there within hours of the announcement.

I would be willing to bet my last dollar that Keeko and Skully's email box is just burning with emails. If this was a McCain choice i wouldn't be getting shit and if i did i would just delete it without even opening it. these two clowns are runners for this type of crap and don't even realize they are being played a fool.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
I would be willing to bet my last dollar that Keeko and Skully's email box is just burning with emails. If this was a McCain choice i wouldn't be getting shit and if i did i would just delete it without even opening it. these two clowns are runners for this type of crap and don't even realize they are being played a fool.

Only fool here is you.

CHANGE you can Believe in!!:mj07: :00hour


Registered User
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Sep 27, 2005
John McCain is a lobbyist's wet dream.

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