as some of you may have observed, the month of may has been a rough one on yours truly. like most of you, every am i analyze each game (flip a fxxkin coin) and make a list of the winners. then i cut it down for my usual post. so today i'm going to change it up a little and post my entire list and see what happens (red flag?). it's a long season and we've got a great forum. The best of luck to everyone this weekend! no posts tomorrow - big golf tourny.
MLB Record: 64-42(+23.1units)
today's Big Dog list
la+120 .5unit
sd+116 .75unit
col+120 .5unit
tx+129 1unit
mil-150 .5unit
minn-125 .5unit
h/cinn u8.5 .75unit
tor/bost o8 x .5unit
col/ny o9 x 2units
cheers alice :thefinger
MLB Record: 64-42(+23.1units)
today's Big Dog list
la+120 .5unit
sd+116 .75unit
col+120 .5unit
tx+129 1unit
mil-150 .5unit
minn-125 .5unit
h/cinn u8.5 .75unit
tor/bost o8 x .5unit
col/ny o9 x 2units
cheers alice :thefinger