Dr Freeze-Handicapping the BB NCAA's 101
Dr Freeze-Handicapping the BB NCAA's 101
Kansas-Three unders in three tournament games to date.Oregon two unders,one over in three tournment games to date= an automatic play on the OVER.The PUBLIC play was to bet on the same thing that had happened 5 out of six cumulative games played by these teams in this tournament,thinking that the linemaker will continue to get beat on the same play over and over again.I'd like to know if there has ever been a team play three tournament games and not cover one like Ariz did this year,thats the only time I can remember it ever happenning.Be open to new ideas,especially from handicappers,and you may be able to..........NAAAH what was I thinking.Anyway,only trying to be helpful as I'm sure your scratching your head wondering where the defense went.Careful,any vitriolic backsass and we'll cut Alaska in half and Texas will become the third largest state.