I think it was blatantly clear Billy Packer began shorting Maryland from the Wisconsin game on...The guy is a total loser who can only sit on his fat @ss and criticize this and that. Maybe if he could have gotten the score right in the Wisconsin game he would have stopped going on and on about how Md was letting Wisconsin back in the game. (He thought they were winning by 12 when they were up 22 and he had to admit he had the score wrong when Jim Nanntz asked what the he!! he was talking about) I love how he goes, Gary Williams has got to get Blake out of the game. And then when Gary put Blake right back in after talking to him for a second, D!pshit Packer goes, good move by Williams to get Blake back into the game. What a jerk. I hope he CBS realizes the guy is a biased loser that people are tired of. IMHO.