Bjfinste, AL or anyone out in Arizona.....

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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
Just read in the paper here on Long Island yesterday and today about 2 beautiful girls who live literally 2 towns over from me, one an ASU undergrad and the other visiting, who were just killed horrifically in that murder/suicide in Tempe the other night. One of the saddest things I've ever seen, and that hit close to home because they live 10 minutes away from me, and a family friend of mine's daughter knew one of them. I was just wondering what the reaction and everything else out there was, did you live near those apartments by any chance? just so tragic and makes me want to enjoy life even more, granted it's worse for young, attractive girls and this wouldnt happen to a guy, but the senselessness of it just makes me want to shake my head, that guy is a god damn coward, it is sickening....I copied and pasted the article below, just keep these girls in your thoughts and prayers today if you could, and I rarely post this kinda stuff but this one really hit home to me.....

2 L.I. students slain in Arizona

February 18, 2007, 11:24 PM EST

Two high school friends from Long Island were shot and killed early yesterday by a man who ambushed them in an Arizona parking lot after a birthday celebration, Tempe police said.

Carol Kestenbaum, 20, of Bellmore, an Arizona State University student, was coming home from celebrating her birthday with high school classmate Nicole Schiffman, 20, of Merrick, when they were gunned down by a Tempe man who then killed himself.

Police said that Joshua Mendel, 22, was enraged because Kestenbaum told his girlfriend, who was not identified, that she did not approve of him.

The two women were shot and killed in the parking lot of Kestenbaum's apartment complex in Tempe. Schiffman, a student at the University of Maryland in College Park, had flown in for the weekend to celebrate Kestenbaum's birthday, which was yesterday, police and the girls' families said.

The two women were 2005 graduates of John F. Kennedy High School in Bellmore.

"I watch these on the news and it's always other people's children," Schiffman's father, Ronald, said last night at the family's home. "To do this because of jealousy? If he was going to kill himself, then why did he have to kill two other people first?"

There were no witnesses to the crime, police said, but when paramedics arrived on the scene, three bloody bodies lay almost in a row. Neighbors who called 911 beginning at 4:11 a.m. reported hearing gunshots, screams and breaking glass.

Police said Mendel, armed with two loaded guns and extra rounds of ammunition, appeared to have been waiting for Kestenbaum in the parking area of her gated apartment complex about six miles south of the ASU campus, which houses several hundred residents, many of them students. Mendel apparently confronted the two women when they returned home and got out of Kestenbaum's Mercedes.

"It appears that he shot Carol in the head, killing her immediately," said Sgt. Dan Masters, a spokesman for the Tempe police. Multiple shell casings were found around Kestenbaum's body, which was about 30 to 40 feet from her parked car.

Police said Schiffman was found a short distance away from Kestenbaum with multiple gunshot wounds to her torso and was rushed to a nearby hospital. She died at about 5:30 a.m. yesterday, Masters said.

Mendel's body was found about 10 feet away on the sidewalk of a common area. "We found a semi-automatic handgun ... and a holster on his waist," Masters said. "In the front pocket of his jeans we found a second loaded handgun and rounds of ammunition."

Mendel may have previously attended Arizona State, police said. Masters said that Kestenbaum was a "good friend" of Mendel's girlfriend, but that it was not clear why she disapproved of their relationship.

"But he obviously found out she didn't approve," he said.

Police believe the crime was premeditated, judging from the weapons found near Mendel's body and the testimony of a resident who encountered him in the parking area shortly before the shooting. The man told police that Mendel appeared nervous, and that the behavior made him so uncomfortable that he immediately returned to his apartment, police said. Masters said that Mendel, who has family in Illinois, had no previous local criminal record.

Last night, a woman at a Tempe address listed to Mendel said, "I don't want to comment. Everything's a mess right now."

Schiffman's father, a gun control supporter, said he was flying to Arizona to prevent authorities from doing an autopsy on his daughter, which he said would violate Jewish law.

"She was an angel," he said.

Friends of the victims were shocked by the brutal deaths of the two lively young women.

"She was just a fun, vibrant person," Steve Wachler, a Kestenbaum family friend, said at the family home in Bellmore last night. A high school volleyball player who was majoring in early childhood education, Kestenbaum was the daughter of former Hempstead Town councilwoman Rita Kestenbaum.

"She had a lot of friends," Wachler said.

Schiffman also was popular, a journalism major at Maryland, an honor roll student in high school and a member of Kennedy's then-fledgling girl's lacrosse team, according to her father and Craig Papach, the school's athletic coordinator.

"They were the girls that other girls wanted to be friends with," Papach said last night. "They were good, spirited kids."

Katie McDevitt of the East Valley Tribune also contributed to this story.


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Nov 9, 2000

i don't follow the news out here much but i did happen to first read about it today while i was in my chiropractor's office.

the incident happened about 25-30 miles south of where i live.

it's very sad that people have to die at such an early age...
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Registered User
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
you're right, AL. It's even worse the manner and the senseless nature of it, just absolutely sickening to read and hear about, I wish that coward was still alive so he could get justice, Just terrible
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Mar 14, 2001
I live across the street. It was less than 250 yards from my front door. It's not a bad area at all.

I was only on campus for a couple hours yesterday, but I know people were talking about it. I heard more than one person, especially the girls, say that they were glad he killed himself because if he were still at large or if people didn't know what set him off, people would be terrified it was another serial killer.


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Nov 9, 2000
I live across the street. It was less than 250 yards from my front door. It's not a bad area at all.

I was only on campus for a couple hours yesterday, but I know people were talking about it. I heard more than one person, especially the girls, say that they were glad he killed himself because if he were still at large or if people didn't know what set him off, people would be terrified it was another serial killer.

the neighborhood has nothing to do with shooting.i read that the killer, also about 20, was upset that one of the girls who he shot was interefering with his relationship with the girl's friend.


Registered User
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
I live across the street. It was less than 250 yards from my front door. It's not a bad area at all.

I was only on campus for a couple hours yesterday, but I know people were talking about it. I heard more than one person, especially the girls, say that they were glad he killed himself because if he were still at large or if people didn't know what set him off, people would be terrified it was another serial killer.

holy sh*t that is scary that you were that close to gun-shots. I didnt think it was a bad area, since he purposely attacked those girls, but that is gruesome. Well, they said in the paper yesterday he was pissed the one girl ripped on him to his girlfriend so he wanted revenge, very sick, but he was suicidal anyway. This is possibly one of the more gruesome things I've read in a long time, did the shots wake you up? Well, as one of the distrauight parents said, couldnt the coward have killed himself and not the other girls, g-d that was tough they were great people from all accounts....I saw it weird a few long island kids go all the way out by you to school, but I guess the warm climate and partying appeals to people, I wish I wouldve gone there for school, I'm sure it beats the hell out of wisconsin or wherever else you lived, but that is amazing you lived that close, I was shaking my head in disbelief when I read it
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
the neighborhood has nothing to do with shooting.i read that the killer, also about 20, was upset that one of the girls who he shot was interefering with his relationship with the girl's friend.

exactly right AL, same thing I read. The girl who went to ASU had said to this lunatics girlfriend that she didnt like the guy, and it got back to him, etc, just extremely petty and he obviously had mental problems already, what a waste of good life by this guy, RIP


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
the neighborhood has nothing to do with shooting.i read that the killer, also about 20, was upset that one of the girls who he shot was interefering with his relationship with the girl's friend.

Exactly... that was my point. It wasn't just a random shooting in the 'hood.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Didn't hear that shots, thankfully. I didn't hear about it until Sunday afternoon when someone at the library told me. I was pretty spooked b/c at first the news just said the intersection and not the complex, so I wondered if it was mine.

There is a decent amount of East Coast people out here at school, at least based on the license plates I see around campus and in the parking structures. As far as going to school here, I would've never come here for undergrad, but I like it now and love the weather.
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Forum Member
Apr 13, 2005
Im close friends with a girl who is in her 2nd year @ ASU and she was friends with the girl who was shot because didnt approve of that b/f. Shes very upset as to what happend to her friend and I feel really bad for her. Things like this shouldn't be happening. What goes thru these peoples minds when they do these things?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
Im close friends with a girl who is in her 2nd year @ ASU and she was friends with the girl who was shot because didnt approve of that b/f. Shes very upset as to what happend to her friend and I feel really bad for her. Things like this shouldn't be happening. What goes thru these peoples minds when they do these things?

Wow, That is amazing that you know someone connected to this. As I said, although I dont know either one of them personally, a good friend of my dad's daughter lives in Bellmore and went to school with Carol (the one your friend was friends with, I think) and she is in disbelief. It is absolutely sickening, and the sad thing is it really couldn't have been prevented, it's horrible for the poor girl visiting too because all she did was be in the wrong place at wrong time...what goes through their minds? Well obviously he was real sick mentally and f'ed up and depressed to the utmost degree, but jeez just hurt yourself then, these poor girls had so much to live for, it's just disgusting, I hope your friend feels better I can't imagine the feeling

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Miss the good ole days where we just duked it out and then went home. Now guns are blazing every where. 20 years from now i wonder what it is gonna be like. what a nut case.
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