LOTS here in Toronto. Started snowing around 5am (or maybe earlier, but I was up at 5), and hasn't stopped since. Gotta be close to a foot here, and it's not stopping. Weather channel showed winds coming in from the East along Lake Ontario, but storm from the NW, the two systems working together to keep it pretty much stationary over the city. The major highways are all covered (which is unusual for here, we are used to snow!), very cold and lots of wind. Current temp is -20?C (-4?F) with a windchill factor of -29?C (-20?F).
By the time this is over I am sure we will have close to 2 feet. Got out and did a big shopping this afternoon because after tonight I don't think I'm going anywhere for at least a day.
My grandmother was supposed to be flying in from Boston today...flight was canceled. And by tomorrow it'll be IN Boston if it isn't already....so she's probably gonna be stuck there for a few days now.