Bluemound and Bama go PAY.....

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Yeah I've still been thinking about opening a pick service!

Here's my theme:

Want to be a winner well give it a try with me thats right Bluemound Freak and his lonely picks! Just $50.00 per day for 100% winners! That's Right 100% or your money back! We have a boatload of good handicappers on staff around the clock just foaming at the mouth to hand over a winner on your next call! Handicappers like, beantownjim, hell he wears an 800.00 suit to work everyday so you know he's a winner! And who could forget Bains and Rico their tearing it up like Fletcher and Raymond on a daily basis, heck they even lay odds on the beaver boxing matches in upstate New York, now that's confidence. I know these guys are impressive in and of themselves but what about, Private Petey this guys on fire, he has teamed up with the Crackrat and is busting out winners faster than Eddie haskel shoots his mouth off! So act now and you'll recieve tonights picks free! that's right FREE! And if you act today I'll send you my new book: How to lose all your money and still get laid! Co written by Felonious Monk! and just for signing up in the month of March you'll get the complimentary issue of our monthly publication: Losing at Gaming, an art form perfected! and March Madness, I lost all my damn money!

So call now: 1-800-eatmybuttmonkyousillyshit

that's right: 1-800-eatmybuttmonkyousillyshit

once again that number is 1-800- eat my butt monk you silly shit!



Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 4, 2001
zanesville, ohio usa
hey, wait a minute

hey, wait a minute

i know that you are secretly jim feist operating under an assumed name. you lousy bastard, you won't get anymore of my money.


Registered STUD
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2000


When I first started to post I had a question in mind, I thought it was funny after I figured it out, but because I don't mind being on the other end of the joke I'll still share it...

I was about to ask Bluemond (to be funny of course):

What is a buttmonky?

You figure out the rest, I am starting to lose it!


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Here I am thinking yu and I have made up and the first thing you know is you go on the attack. Well I don' think thats very nice for a guy who graduated near the top of his class from Auburn University. We are officially at war once again. I am going to do to you what the Germans did to Pearl Harbor.


Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Eddie Settle Down, I'm only playing! You know I love ya Big Guy!

You really deep down inside laughed your ass off didn't you, don't lie that chit was funny!


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Bin Laden did to the Taliban the same thing that Japan did to the Germans on December 7, 1941.

Just as Japan's 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor doomed the Germans in Europe, Bin Laden's attack on the World Trade Center doomed the Taliban and probably the Palestinians.

Lottopol participants were asked:
When British Prime Minister Churchill was informed of the December 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, his response was "So, We win after all". What will be the eventual result of the attacks on September 11, 2001?

The latest results are:
The World Trade Center sealed the fate of all Islamic Radicals just as Pearl Harbor sealed the fate of all of the fascists including the Nazis. (48.9%)
There will not be a conclusive result. (27.5%)
America will eventually give in to the Islamic Radicals. (2.1%)
No opinion. (21.6%)

To put the polling in perspective below is some information about the LOTTOPOL Poll.
LOTTOPOL participants respond to a poll question and get free lotto tickets. The answers to the questions do not affect the chances of winning. The chances of winning depend solely on the numbers participants choose. The Lottopol website is:

Many think that the eventual result of the attacks that occurred on September 11 will in be as significant terms of Middle East geopolitics as Pearl Harbor was on the outcome of World War II.

Bin Laden's attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon will likely result in the exact opposite of what the Islamic Radicals would like to see occur in the Middle East.
Palestinians and the Taliban, even though they may not be directly involved with the Islamic Radicals, per se, are perceived to be at least allies of them. Just as the Germans were not involved with the attack on Pearl Harbor but were allies of the Japanese. Thus, Bin Laden may have given Israel and the anti-Taliban Afghans the same thing that Yamamoto gave to Churchill on December 7, 1941.

In 1941 most Germans had very little interest in Japan's issues with the United States. The Germans were not involved with the attack on Pearl Harbor but were allies of the Japanese. The attack on Pearl Harbor was an attempt to prevent American from interfering with Japan's agenda in the Orient.

Even though the Palestinians and Taliban may not be directly involved with the Islamic Radicals who attacked the World Trade Center, they are perceived to be at least allies of them. Likewise, the Germans were not involved with the attack on Pearl Harbor but were allies of the Japanese.
Thus, when British Prime Minister Churchill was informed of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor his response was "So, We win after all".
Israel should have a similar attitude. Just as Pearl Harbor sealed the fate of all of the fascists including the Nazis, the World Trade Center probably sealed the fate of all Islamic Radicals.
A significant minority of the poll participants thinks that there will not be a conclusive result to America's war on terrorism.
An extremely small number think that America will eventually give in to the Islamic Radicals.
Presumably giving in to Islamic Radicals would involve acquiescing to the wishes of the Palestinians and the Taliban.
However, most of those who have opinions on the likely outcome see a victory over the Islamic Radicals as complete as the victory over the Axis powers in 1945.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
ok, i have to admit it. i have no idea.

what is Haskell referring to when he says, "I am going to do to you what the Germans did to Pearl Harbor??

i'm no history buff.
especially American war history.

but everything i have read seemed to me to be saying that whatever involvement Germany had, if any DIRECTLY at all, only hurt them historically.

i'm sincerely curious.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
oh, give me a break!
really ??

tell me it's NOT that childish and immature.

i haven't seen that movie in ... shit ... like 30 years.
and i thought it was phukin stupid then.

except maybe Belushi. but only for the comedian he BECAME.

but if i have to i will watch it next time it's on the tube. but there is no way i'm paying to rent it.

Evil Genius

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Right Here
<center><img height=250 width=250 align=middle src=></center>

"Was it over when the <i><b>GERMAN'S</b></i> bombed Pearl Harbor? No, it's not over until we say it's over."

Don't rent it, buy the DVD......

<marquee><font size=+4 color=red>TWICE</font></marquee>

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

It was my post. As such, by definition its going to be childish and immature. What the hell do you expect!

However, with reference to your post, have you noticed how 6 1/2 months after the disaster, Americans seem to have only a passing interest in the war on terrorism.

It seems to me, Americans are more or less back to our routines. Granted, more cautiously, but the interest in Bin Laden seems to me to be waning.

I think this is a bad thing. I'm not sure, but if the point of your post was that we will completely irradicate radical moslim terrorists, I would differ.

With any extreme religous group, I doubt you can ever completely destroy the movement (although personally I've been praying for Fallwells' demise). Always will be followers who will deify the "heros" who have fallen before them.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2002
Northwest of Philly, Pa
You guys are hysterical ... I love it ... I only wish I had more time to read this stuff. Do any of you have jobs or do they pay you to read and write at Madjacks all day? Anyway, I may be interested in subscribing to your service Bluemound cause you can't be much worse than some of the other cappers on here who shall remain unnamed who went to a pay service. Hell, I could flip coins and or have my puppy make picks as well as many of the services and touts out there. Good Luck in your new venture!
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