Bob From Lubbock, discussing sitcom idea??

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Aug 24, 2004
The life and times of Bob Knight could soon be right inside America's living rooms.

The fiery Texas Tech coach met with television officials last month in Los Angeles and gave his approval for a sitcom deal. CBS and Paramount Television are exploring the development of a half-hour comedy that could run by next year.

Knight, 63, would serve as a consultant and said he might make guest appearances.

"Right now it's still in an embryonic stage," Lindy DeKoven, who would serve as the show's executive producer, told the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal for Tuesday's editions. "Right now we don't have a writer yet, so we can't get into too much detail. But, it would be a half-hour comedy based on Bobby's character."

Knight was out of town Tuesday and couldn't be reached for comment.

The next step is for a writer to come to Lubbock to spend time getting to know Knight at work and at home.

When the script is written, DeKoven will take it to CBS, which will decide whether to make it a pilot.

John Wentworth, executive vice president of marketing and media for Paramount Television, said the show would possibly be ready to run in September 2005.

Rock On,
\,,/ \,,/


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Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
this indiana alum says...

this indiana alum says...

he should get into acting.....that's all he's been doing the last 15 years of his coaching career anyway. He turned into a sideshow a long time ago....people watch his teams play just to see what ol' bobby boy will do next....when he's going to close this show with a woody hayes type of ending. It's a sad commentary on us as a nation that we continue to put crap like this on TV. Bobby is an egomaniac who would never admit to doing any wrong.....won't take responsibility for his actions.....a class act for sure who kids definitely need to emulate. :mad: