Box is on a "protocol concussion " watch

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
After last nites Zaga game ...and Kansas game... but let me start from the beginning...if this is boring just pass and wait till later before I post...
yesterday afternoon before I posted any basketball games I took my dog out for a walk here in Austin... I live in the southwest section of the city in an area they call "Live Oaks or Legends of Oaks...coming from upstate NY we do have Oak tree's but not like here in Austin....there are thousands and thousands of Oak tree's with triple of that acorns on the ground..late fall season here in Texas...and for the 2nd time in my life I was under an oak and an acorn hit me right on my head[ last yr was hit by one and did report it here} What are the odds of an acorn falling off a tree and hitting me right on my " noggin". of the 300 Million people that live in the United States how many were hit by an acorn hit...mind you...of course it didn't hurt but I laughed by myself..was it St Peter up in heaven saying" bomb bays open,at 1 o'clock possible target....let it go"... being a Catholic I have to believe that...some kind of divine intervention was involved...I came back to the condo and reported the attack to my wife who was watching CNN and the impeachment hearings..I told her I was hit directly on my head by an acorn..she responded " so what they always are hitting the parked cars and acorns are all over the driveways and sidewalks".. I said " hon I was hit by one ,do you know what that means.. I think I am in "protocol concussion "..anyway many of you here understand that term..she had no I spent a lot of time on the Zaga game and after seeing they only won by 10 and didn't cover I am going to blame that acorn...I am officially in " concussion protocol" any games I handicap today please be careful...Madjack and IA have already given me my concussion waiver paperwork to sign...they wanted me to go to Urgent care to get a release but I refused...
so tonite will post a few games ..leaning UNLV -5 over Texas St...Yale over Siena but there nickname are the could be the saint that hit me..anyway will be back...going to play Powerball tonite since its over $200 million...went to look for the acorn under the tree this morning..there were about 5 or 6 in the area I was I collected all of them because if I hit powerball tonite I could care less if UNLV covers...
back later ..sorry about last nites plays damn acorn

Dog lover

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Forum Member
Jul 7, 2001
Austin,Tx. USA
Come over to my house when I'm mowing the lawn...when the mower blades hit those acorns, it's like a gattling gun-no place is safe!!! With acorns and pecans falling, I don't know how those people that live in a house with a metal roof can stand the constant noise. Hope you survive the pounding! I'll text you later about some baskets.
GL, Dog lover
P.S. My 23 pound (miniature) schnauzer is 5 years old today!

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Dog lover you know what I'm talking about...I see them all over and they do hit my roof and car but I got one smack down in the

UNLV -4 over Tex St ***
Bobcats struggled vs Jackson St even though they won by 15...Pearson bobcats top player had 0 pts in the 1st half.. Terry their post player had 0 pts maybe a FT here and there..Jackson St did play well but they had no basketball iq what so ever.. driving into traffic,taking fade away 3s..if they played smart the game would of been closer.. Tx plays great defense..on the ball but there offense is predicated on 5'9 pt gd Harrell penetrating...he has really improved from his freshmen year...they added 6'9 Small who weighs 160 pounds...and he hit a few 3's..he is the skinniest player in D-1..his dreds are wider then his body...Davis,Sule,Adamsand Davidson all all in Kaspers dog house....I was sitting right behind the bench and he was in all 3 faces screaming" your not playing because you can't play defense...and they didn't play...but Kasper won 24 games last yr so that must work...
Bobcats had no post play...a Jackson player inside dominated the bds and defense...
UNLV brings in a new coach from S Dak St who likes to run the ball and play uptempo...not sure if he has the horses yet to play this style...they do have Hardy a smooth gd that can score.. Tillman is solid and likes to get out there and dunk and they have there big kid 6'11 Diong inside.. think he will cause problems around the rim on defense...don't think the Rebels will blow them out but they already lost to UCLA and K-state...Bobcats did play
Baylor tight the other nite..think Diong in the middle will be to tough for the Bobcats to handle...Small likes playing the 2 or 3 and is not a banger inside...he shoots the 3 and waves to the crowd the whole back on defense...think if he does that tonite Hardy and company might be passing him as he waves to the crowd.

Rider +7 over UMass **
Rider has everyone back from last yr.. Jordan their pt gd is awesome..problem is there coach is so bad...will take the Broncos praying he doesn't over coach ..

Texas AM -16.5 over Troy **
Aggies after getting blown out by Zaga should be able to handle Troy who cannot score of play defense..Nebo is back Chandler and Flagg are solid and now with Nebo at 6'9 back Troy is in trouble... Buzz will get the most out of his players...great choice going to Tex AM in a few yrs they will be on top of the SEC

St Peter -4 over Wagner **
Pretty sure it was Peter that sent that acorn down to hit me...

but still on concussion protocol but feeling better leaving for Orlando tomr am so won't post any games until next week good luck love Appa St in college football ..thank you old south

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
thru 11/19/19
YTD [-13.90*]

UNLV -4 over Tex St *** L-3.30*
Texas AM -16.5 over Troy ** L-2.20*
St Peter -4 over Wagner ** L-2.20*
Rider +7 over UMass ** L-2.20*

4-L [-9.90*]

thru 11/20/19​
YTD [-23.80*]​
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