congrats on the sweep.....
everybody had good fortune....that was fun....
one thing though.....i wasn`t thrilled with barrera`a gameplan....from a fan`s point of view....glad,it cashed,of course...but,even given the fact that juarez was the aggressor,how was that a 2 point fight on 2 scorecards?....
ditto gonzales....he had to have won the first six rounds and probably another 1,maybe 2.....and 2 judges had that a 2 point fight?.....we were only 9 rounds deep....he had a one point edge in knockdowns through 9....
2 judges had him 2 points up?
the barrios fight was a split?....guzman won clearly....
i don`t get it....
and joe cortez....jesus,put your frickin` hands on the fighters and break `em.....f-ckin` sloth....
earn you f-ckin` money...that nic` needs to changed to "i`m fair but i`m lazier than star jones"....
there,that`s better....
i have a large teaser going tomorrow.....bears-1.5/dolphins-1....don`t usually play teasers,but,this one looked promising....culpepper better get his head outta his ass....
again,solid job...