If he received money for it, then it's just as bad as fixing a fight. Maybe worse since Minner then had to pay Krause from only his show money.
Well that right there says the above is not true......Dana pays fighters next to nothing, no way in hell Minner could pay Krause anything, he has no money to do that:lol:
UFC gets a shit-ton of money from a ton of different Sportsbooks, but yeah let's focus on Krause, yeah ok:facepalm:
This "investigation" has turned up small shit, shit that happens everyday in MMA betting. Nothing of "fixed fights", nothing close to that.
Krause = fall guy
Zero evidence of any fight being fixed......if there was it would have come out long ago.
I mean what about TJ coming out for his fight with one shoulder......as I said, happens all the time with "insider trading", yet no investigation there now was there. But because Krause was running his mouth.......hence the so called "investigation".
Just a bunch of nothing........if there was substance......we would have heard about it by now.