brace yourself


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
[Bush + Cheney 2004]

September 8, 2004

To: Bush-Cheney '04 Grassroots Team
From: Ed Gillespie, Republican National Committee Chairman
Subject: Brace Yourselves
In response to President Bush's Agenda for America's Future and a critique of his policies and Senate record, Senator Kerry's campaign is implementing a strategy of vicious personal attacks against the President and Vice President.

The campaign is bringing in a bevy of former Clinton henchmen, including CNN commentators James Carville and Paul Begala. In August alone, Begala called President Bush a "gutless wonder," said he has a "lack of intelligence," and called Vice President Cheney a "dirt bag." Carville said the President is "ignorant big time" and said "George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are a couple of nobodies."

It's not like Bob Shrum needed encouragement to engage in personal attacks. At a Kerry rally Friday morning in Ohio, campaign surrogate John Glenn compared the Republican Convention to a Nazi rally, and Kerry called the President unfit to lead our nation and once again sought to divide the country by who served and how 35 years ago.

Of course, the President was called a "cheap thug," a "killer" and a "liar" at a Kerry-Edwards campaign event in New York , Mrs. Kerry has called the President's policies "unpatriotic" and "immoral" and DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe falsely accused the President of being AWOL.

Democratic strategist Susan Estrich outlined the strategy last Wednesday in a column warning Republicans to "watch out." "I'm not promising pretty," she wrote before going on to call President Bush and Vice President Cheney alcoholics, then ask "is any alcoholic ever really cured? " ("I can see the ad now.") She deems the President's service as a National Guard fighter pilot "draft dodging," and says, "a forthcoming book by Kitty Kelly raises questions about whether the President has practiced what he preaches on the issue of abortion." (Interestingly, the New York Daily News reported back in February that the Kerry campaign intended to spread such a rumor in pro-life chat rooms late in the campaign.)

So the former Dukakis campaign manager has an advance copy of Democrat donor Kitty Kelly's book, which promises to throw unsubstantiated gossip at President Bush in the same way she falsely maligned the late President Reagan as a date rapist who paid for a girlfriend's abortion and wrongly castigated Nancy Reagan as an adulterer who had an affair with Frank Sinatra. A recent story says Kelly's book alleges President Bush used cocaine at Camp David while his father was President, which is as credible as her story that then Governor and Nancy Reagan smoked marijuana with Jack Benny and George and Gracie Burns.

And tonight on CBS, longtime Democratic operative Ben Barnes-a friend of, major contributor to and Nantucket neighbor of Senator Kerry's and vice chair of the Kerry Campaign--will repudiate his statement under oath that he had no contact with the Bush family concerning the President's National Guard service. (Anyone surprised that Barnes would contradict a statement he made under oath probably doesn't know his long history of political scandal and financial misdealings.)

So brace yourselves . Any mention of John Kerry's votes for higher taxes and against vital weapons programs will be met with the worst kind of personal attacks. Such desperation is unbecoming of American Presidential politics, and Senator Kerry will pay a price for it at the polls as we stay focused on policies to continue growing our economy and winning the War on Terror.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Hey Raymond you have to admit the Bush Cheney ticket were the first to get ugly. What Cheney said today basically amounted to If Kerry wins we get attacked again. That is called capitalyzing on fear.

As far as Barnes that is funny. He helps Bush Dodge and how greatful W is. Mclellan Bush's press secretary attacked Barnes today as partisan. Funny thing Barnes was the biggest contributor to Mclellans Mothers campaign. She is a republican!! How is he partisan?

Any way agree to disagree. Hope all is well


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
anyway, disregard Burns. The telling facts on the piece were the deceased colonel s memoirs, he was republican, also said basically gw was awol. He disobeyed directs order to report for physical & flight test.


Forum Member
Jun 24, 2002
toronto canada
Hey Raymond you have to admit the Bush Cheney ticket were the first to get ugly. What Cheney said today basically amounted to If Kerry wins we get attacked again. That is called capitalyzing on fear.

100% true. the republicans are the scared party. their jobs are on the line. these polls that the media take are laughable at best. most of the polls are less than 1000 people to 2000 max. what a joke.

i just hope whoever wins actually helps the us. bush has blown it for 4 years and i hope if he wins that he does some good. though i highly doubt he will. his dad was a flop so why should he try and be any different.

i dont like kerrys minor flip flops. and no i dont listen to the lying republicans twisting his every word. he does need to be more decisive.

i wish all the best, god knows you need it. :sadwave:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Heard an interesting commentary last night on Fresh Air on NPR. The guy being interviewed was the author of a book called Bush's Brain. Apprently, he was some Texas reporter who began covering Bush while he was still the owner of the Texas Rangers in the 80's and when he had absolutely no interest in politics.

This guy says that Rove singled out Bush to groom for govenor of Texas and possibly president of the USA at this time. Yes, even before he had any interest in politics. During the campaign for govenor, Rove prepped a tv commerical where Bush looks into the camara and talks about how Richards personally attacked him. She hadn't yet the voters believed it.

He further goes on to state that Bush always takes the high road while Rove does the behind the scenes dirty work. He stated that the swift boat stuff is being directed by Rove but his involvement will never come to light. Typical Bush family politics. He also said that Bush is told to avoid abortion as it is a topic that if he screws up can affect his core, the christian right.

This book could be a buy.



The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
Heard an interesting commentary last night on Fresh Air on NPR. The guy being interviewed was the author of a book called Bush's Brain.

Would there be nothing in it? :thinking:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
NPR radio---kinda like cnn---non partisan

Heres a little debate you might enjoy Edward between O'Reilly and Bill Maher. My fav" liberal logic" by Mayer in interview---

MAHER:" No. I don't think Bill Clinton really ever lied about anything important"

I find it amusing liberals feel perjury is not important---
the interview--,3566,131395,00.html


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Bush does not necessarily lie. But he likes not telling the truth. And there is a difference.
Cheneys remarks may back fire. That little turd who was AWOL draft dodger. A waitress in a bar would scare him. Found out a long time ago the tough talkers are just that all talk. He's ready to fight as long as its soemone in front of him or someone elses kid. This guy would not show.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Here's news for you, Clinton lied about a bj. Did he lie under oath about a bj, yes. Did he lose his law license because he lied under oath, yes. Is the bj "important"? Maybe to Scott from Atlanta but not to the rest of the bj receiving world.

Your diety, Ronald Reagan lied under oath about selling arms to the contras. Selling arms to the contras was a violation of federal law. Is the violation of a federal statute "important". Sex v. death. You republicans are much more upset about a bj and 2 dykes getting married in Vermont than you are about our presidents directly or indirectly killing people.

I find it amusing that conservatives find amending the Constitution to prevent gay marriages and selling arms to groups so that they can kill people as not important but a lie about a bj and some 75 million taxpayer dollars later as important.

Back to your perjury argument, let me dovetail it with your liberal media argument. Obviously we heard about the bj in the oval office by the fat Jewish broad. Why didn't we hear to the same degree about the Lord God Ronald Reagans lies under oath in the Poindexter deposition?

I mean perjury is perjury isn't it Wayne? However, do you turn your little conservative head the other way when it happens to one of yours? Seems like it. You see, Wayne, they all lie. Including your hero in DC. He hasn't been caught (yet) in an out and out lie like Clinton or Reagan, but he is by not saying anything or conviently having memory lapses.

His record in the National Guard? Mysteriously lost? Puhhhleeessseee. Carl Rove is doing all the dirty work. Either Bush is as dumb as I think or he knows exactly what hit man Rove is doing. Do you really think Bush/Rove/Cheney have nothing to do with the swift boat veterans for spin, do you?

If so, you have to dumber than Freeze and Weasel.



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
MAHER:" No. I don't think Bill Clinton really ever lied about anything important"

I find it amusing liberals feel perjury is not important---


Do you really believe that what Clinton lied about was important? Or is perjury always important, no matter how silly the 'charge'?


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
OH MY GOD. POLITICIANS LIED. Wake me up when it's over. Difference is in what they lie about. Ok, Bush and Ronnie lying about Iran Contra, lies about a reason for going to war, or lies about sex WITH A F*CKING INTERN. Gee, I wonder what is worse. :rolleyes:
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