Hammy, good to see you are still around
Hammy, good to see you are still around
I checked here months ago and saw that you and a few posters did post something awhile before I visit here that day and got few views and NO replies. I didn't post a thing cause the place was completely dead of over a month at that time I think. Even the Triple Crown races weren't followed anywhere near they used to be.
I wished you woulda tailed my TEASER college FB posts. I can understand that the Teasers aren't popular in the sports forums. I have to hold back here to write how TREMENDOUSLY well I've been doing since dumping reg. line bets and parlays and using the teasers over 80% of my betting. Hmm... no way to do that with them hosses, you know - spotting me lengths. :lol:
It just seems unfair that folks that post the results of the work they put into figuring out the sport they bet and you see the replies to Visitors ratio. People like you Hogman, and the ones we had here way back then had me looking forward to posting.
Another disappointment I have now is that the FRIENDS thingy is useless without the ability to send message between friends. I gave it a try too. I also,remember how bad I was responding to those communications too. :s2: The reason was I never had a regular routine on how often I post and my "Blah, blah, blah" so much that I always forgot to check my Friends PM.
Anyway, good to see you're Ok and hope you're doing well.