Buddy, need help

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lynchburg, VA
I respect your picks so I want your opinion on the UNLV line. I've been betting on UNLV since they played SDSU in the regular season. (Bailey scored like 34 pts in a crazy comeback to win it in overtime) He's is a great player. He would have done it in the conf. tourney final but they fouled him before he knocked down the three to tie. So why are they getting 11 pts???? I think they'll win. USC is not that good, and the SEC is obviously overrated. You always say if the line looks to good to be true, it is. Please advise.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.

I'm flattered you'd consult me for advice. But, this is not a good time of the year for me to handicap. I've simply looked at too many games and am burnt out. I still have an interest, but have lost a great deal of enthusiasm.

Anyway, since you asked, I'll give you my take..

South Carolina has played their L4 on the road.

@ Mississippi, 69-67 win/cover
@ Kentucky, 70-57 win/cover
@ Alabama, 57-65 loss/no cover
@ Virginia, 74-67 win/cover

The quality win at Kentucky has to count for something.

So does coming back home to a appreciative home crowd.

UNLV is not that bad, so the question becomes obvious...

Why are they getting 11?

Poor coaching? Charlie Spoonhour is top notch.

But this is the most curious stat I've seen in some time...

The last time UNLV was a dog of 11 or more was 29 games ago @ Cincinnatti +16'

UNLV has both a better Su and ATS record than South Carolina, yet the Gamecocks are giving them 11.

Vegas does not hand out gifts. Especially at this late date.

South Carolina -11