For the most part, our engineers are pretty good about slowing down for the brakeman, but our company is still trying to push "no getting on or off moving equipment." I wouldn't even attempt to get on or off a car going 10 mph. We have a couple of nite turn conductors out here that love to work fast in order to get an extra 10-15 minutes "hay", but I just tell them up front, "I like to work safely. I will not work fast". Case closed. Our rr is probably one of a very few left in the country which still uses a caboose, so even though our nite turn switching may only take a couple of hours, we can't leave the property. The brakeman and conductor use the bunkbeds in the caboose and the engineer has to fashion himself a bed in the locomotive. Most engineers on regular nite turn jobs have cots or pieces of plywood w/ foam rubber covered with vinyl. Some have army cots. Even though we can't leave the property, early quits are the norm. Most of our jobs are 10 hours, so we may work 3', sleep for 4' and leave 2 hours early and get paid the 2 hours overtime. It's really a good deal and the company is willing to pay the money as long as the freight gets delivered and no one gets hurt. That's why leaving a rr is so damn difficult. There are quite a few perks and for this part of the country, the daily wage is excellent. Yesterday, from 8 AM to Noon, I had to attend a Hazardous Materials class for the rr. It's a yearly thing and it's a good reminder of where and what we're working with. One of our divisions is The Clairton Coke Works in Clairton, Pa. where we handle anyhydrous ammonia (chlorine gas), light oils, tar tanks and overloaded coke trains (gotta watch out for stuff falling off overloaded hoppers and onto your head!). Anyway, the chlorine gas is the most dangerous.