Buffalo Backers... you can thank the cheating officials


Wait til HT
Forum Member
I played the FALCONS at HT, so I managed to push on this game, but that was a joke!
Play clock expires OBVIOUSLY, and because it's not reviewable by ATL, it's up to the official upstairs. Despite REEVES ranting and raving and pointing to the clock, no official disputes the soon to be tying TD and Extra point. What a joke?!?! I hate this replay bullshit with all it's rules when it cannot reverse an obvious screw-up, because it still is ultimately up to human error, or the official's discretion.

I'm in favor of REPLAY actually, I just wish it was put to better use instead of STILL relying on some human's opinion or observation to challenge a call. IF a call cannot be reviewed with :48 seconds left in the game, on a tying TD, what good is it???

BTW... my biggest disappointment with all this is the ACES GOLD contest. My wife is BUBBLEHEAD in the contest, sitting in fourth spot, and both the top two guys have BUFF +4.5 and I had her play WASH instead of the BILLS. I was looking like a genius, and then a NON CALL on obvious DEF HOLDING in the end zone screws the SKINS out of a chance to tie that game, (if you weren't watching this game, the guy's jersey was pulled back at least six inches from his body as he moved to the ball! & no flag) and ultimately win, I then have to watch another official screw job in ATLANTA!

Pretty sad that after 17 weeks of anguish and frustration, stress and strain, the ULTIMATE winner of this great contest may come down to two bad calls, or shall I say, non calls... with all the money the NFL rakes in, we deserve better than this...

Congrats to COW, and possibly COBRA, as the new leaders in the CONTEST!!! Like MOOOOO!!!

Sorry MOOO MAN, I gotta pull for the CARDS now!!


Rc, makes up for losses on Buf-Mia, SF-Chi earlier in the year.


Not to be sarcastic, i know exactly how u feel. was referring to my big losses on the Mia-Buf game where Buf was up by 10 with 8 mins and lost by 7 had Buf +6, and the Chi-Clev game where Chi covered in OT by 6, had Clev +4.

[This message has been edited by Antonio (edited 12-23-2001).]


RC, u gonna be over in the Nba forum to make us some halftime coin tonite?


Wait til HT
Forum Member
Oh ok... those were fluke losses, I agree, I just hate it when our WAGERING destiny is decided by a flag, or no flag, or just blatant error on the part of officials. BOTH those games were decided by NON CALLS by officials, I know it goes both ways, and supposedly evens out, but to watch em back to back like that was sickening.

Good luck the rest of the day... I'm gonna be nailing some ht's pretty quick here!

Ice Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 26, 2000
Richmond, VA
The time had not yet expired or a flag would have come flying into the line of scrimmage...the TV clock did show 0:00 but the ball was snapped before the "buzzer"...Bills were screwed earlier in the game on at least 3 calls...so it all evened out, I guess.

The games were better with the substitutes - the officials now are throwing far too many flags in my opinion...
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