Bush 2004 For or against?

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Bush 2004 For or against?

  • Yes he has been a Great President

    Votes: 30 45.5%
  • Yes he has done nothing wrong

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • No he mislead America on Iraq

    Votes: 15 22.7%
  • No John Kerry is a better Choice

    Votes: 11 16.7%

  • Total voters


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 24, 2004
Please use this thread to state your opinion on whether or not this man and his administration should be reelected and why.
If you are against him please support your argument. Lets try to keep this thread cleaner than the Candidates themselves have run their campaigns. Anything goes other than profanity and member bashing. Theories on conspiracy welcome, both right and left wing conspiracy are out there. Don't vote in the poll without giving your reasons. This will be the most heated 6 month battle of ouir time. Remember this is just a debate and we are all Americans.


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Forum Member
Apr 24, 2004
I'm definitely not voting for Bush. I lean more to the left but not a liberal. Voted for Clinton the first time because I still believe that George Bush had something to do with Jfk getting whacked. Voted for him the second time because the economy was great And Dole was too old. Supported John McCain in 2000 and felt he was the best man for the Job. Forced with the terrible choice of Gore Bush Nader and Buchanan, I voted for Gore. I'm not ready to endorse Kerry because I think he is an idiot. Bush forgot about Bin Laden and went after Iraq and has made the arab world even a bigger mess and threat to us now than before the war on terror began.
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Fat & Sassy

Large Member :)
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2004
Bush will not let political repercussions or world opinion stop him from doing everything in his power to defend this country.... The economy is cyclical, it will rebound under his administration

The same can not be said about John Kerry. He is a poor politician let alone Presidential candidate. He is the EPITOME of a professional politician. His waffling indecisiveness petrifies me....

Bush is the lesser of 2 evils....

Trust me...


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Forum Member
Apr 24, 2004
Do a google search on Skull and bones. They are both members of this secret Yale Society. I would love to see someone ask them about that.


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Forum Member
Apr 24, 2004
Next Do a Google Search on The Carlisle Group
Daddy Bush's company who garnered a billion dollar contract from the us Government. That smells fishy.
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Aug 10, 1999
Fat & Sassy said:
He is a poor politician let alone Presidential candidate. He is the EPITOME of a professional politician.

And Bush is the epitome of a corporate/oil bizness puppet.

Having said that Kerry is certainly no great shakes, but I'm hoping for a Presidet who won't continue to try and turn this country into some Orwellian nightmare and use the office of the President as a vehicle for a religous crusade.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Hoops said:
and use the office of the President as a vehicle for a religous crusade.

I just don't see this point. I hear it a lot, but don't understand what religion Bush is trying to push down our throats. Please, somebody who feels this way, elaborate.

As far as the choices in the poll, I think u should add these.

Yes he has done a pretty good job even though he has made mistakes,

Yes, no way in hell I would ever vote for Kerry.
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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I think its best to leave god out of it. We were all brought up there was just one God. Now there are so many religions even here in the U S that think they have the inside with there God it's a joke.
We want to be leaders of the world. Our problem is not to many care to be lead by us anymore. So you become the leader of yourself.
I still have not had it explain to me in plain english what was the hurry to get to Iraq before we finished the first job. And we still have not finished it.
Now tomorrow history is made when our president can't go to the 9/11 commssion with out the boss Cheney holding his hand. We call that strong leader ship. You got to be kidding me. Then to day we learn there will be no record kept of what is said. So our history for those 50/100 years down the road are not allowed to know it. What a shame. Because of the power of the president. They could keep a record and have it based on national security be kept form site for 30 years. What the hell are these two guy scared of.
I voted for Bush. I thought it was time for a change from left ideas to some from the right. That is why I feal free to pick on Bush as I did Clinton his last two years. Because I did vote and I think Bush lied to me and of course America. Just like Clinton. Hell no I wont vote for him again. I rather vote for Nader.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
T.S. How fishy do you think this smells

"Multimillion-Dollar Incentive to 'Reward Vietnam'

Shortly after Kerry declared to the world, ?President Bush should reward Vietnam within a month for its increased cooperation in accounting for American MIAs,? Vietnam announced it had granted Colliers International, based in Boston, a contract worth millions.

Designating Colliers International as the exclusive real estate agent representing Vietnam, the communist regime positioned the company to rake in tens of millions of dollars in future contracts to upgrade Vietnam?s ports, railroads and other infrastructure.

C. Stewart Forbes, chief executive officer of Colliers International, is John Forbes Kerry?s cousin.

The saga, however, does not end there. There remains the nettlesome matter of the document shredding.

John F. McCreary, a Defense Intelligence Agency analyst assigned to Kerry?s committee, is a member of the Virginia State Bar and consequently saw an obligation to report what he suspected was misconduct by Kerry, also an attorney governed by the lawyers? ethic code.

McCreary felt duty-bound to report knowledge of Kerry?s document shredding ? specifically, the intelligence briefing text - to Vice Chairman Bob Smith.

Kerry: Destroy All Copies

A memorandum by McCreary: ?Sen. John Kerry ... told the Select Committee members that ?all copies? would be destroyed. This statement was made in the presence of the undersigned and of the Staff Chief Counsel who offered no protest.?

On April 9, 1992, McCreary verified that the original document was destroyed, as well as 14 copies.

The McCreary memo continued: ?On 15 April 1992, the Staff Chief Counsel, J. William Codinha ... ridiculed the Staff members for expressing their concerns; and replied, in response to questions about the potential consequences, ?Who?s the injured party,? and ?How are they going to find out because its classified.??

To defuse the growing crisis, on April 16 Kerry stated that the original documents had remained in the Office of Senate Security all along, so nothing wrong had been done.

But according to McCreary: ?The Staff Director had deposited a copy of the intelligence briefing text in the Office of Senate Security at 1307 on 16 April.?

Kerry had, according to McCreary, ordered a non-original copy of the document entered into the Office of Senate Security, but only after protests from staff caused him to rethink complete destruction of the documents. '


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 24, 2004
I find it more fishy that daddy bush runs a company that does buisness with the bin ladens. And the bin ladens are helping to rebuild Iraq.
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
ts NOTHING i CAN REALLY VOTE FOR LIKE I TOLD YOU I AM A REPUB BUT THAT IS JUST A PARTY, sorry caps still yelling at maxi pad ed. I am going to vote for bush not thrilled but do feel he will do what it take to keep OUR yes yours and mine safe. not big on goverment which i told you in our laugh off the other day but all i care about right now is trying:shrug: to keep our country safe.

Anything else i can handle on my own for the next few years it is all sad IMO and my vote is one sorry way to look at life in our country.

Did'nt use spell check so don't bust my nads to hard :D


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 2002
Vancouver BC
I find it more fishy that daddy bush runs a company that does buisness with the bin ladens. And the bin ladens are helping to rebuild Iraq.

;) ...i find Bush entertaining when he tries to back track after he is proven wrong


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 24, 2004
So far 16 Kerry 14 Bush.
Like I said Kerry is hard to like. For me though Bush is tied to Big Oil and he can't make a move without Cheney. His press Conference was a joke. His meeting with Dick and the 9/11 commission,not under oath was a joke!! It will be a long 4 years either way I think.:D


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
OK how many times can you vote. It looks like some are doing it twice.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
TossingSalads said:
I find it more fishy that daddy bush runs a company that does buisness with the bin ladens. And the bin ladens are helping to rebuild Iraq.

Whats the company Daddy Bush runs that the Bin ladens are
involved in ?

Never heard that one before ?

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
OPEC ? Come on Big Daddy Bush don't run OPEC.

I just watched Rumsfeld on Hardball with Chris interviewing him.

Damn he really is one slippery bastid.

Impossible to pin this guy down.
