Bush & Bush


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Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
I could be wrong but it's starting to seem like Little Bush is settling a vendetta for the big hairy Bush...Now, don't call me unamerican.I understand Saddam has abused his own people and attacked Kuwait but, if he allows weapon inspectors, unconditionally, back into Iraq how can we attack ANYONE that has not made some sort of aggression towards another country. Now, he could be harboring terrorists, but we need to prove it before we attack. Shit, China abuses its' people and we do NOTHING. Maybe attacking Iraq is all about oil and has nothing to do with Hussein.

I think we need to kill Hussein but it needs to be done covertly not with all the bells and whistles. Bush is viewed as a gun toting Cowboy, all over the world, and this attitude will bread more and more terrorists if he's not careful. Sometimes I just wonder if he's doing what's best for the country or if he'll do anything to get re-elected.

Just my opinion.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
a couple points:

1. we do not let Saddam Hussein dictate our policy and try to fool around -- he saw the whole world turning in on him and this was his last resort to avoid losing his power

2. He IS harboring and FUNDING terrorism....that is a given

3. Bush has INTEGRITY......this is something the prior administration did not have.....Bush surrounds himself with men and women of INTEGRITY.....Powell, Rice, Rumsfel, Cheney, the list goes on and on.....these people would not do this for political points nor would they allow it to be done.....they would do it because they think it si the right thing to do.....the Clintonistas only cared about politics and so did the people they surrounded themselves with......that is why we MUST elect people with integrity.....so that we know with confidence that decisions are not based on political winds.....that is why it is important that our president surrounds himself with good council so that he cannot do something that only does himself well and is not in the best interest of the country......

China is a separate problem.....they know not to screw with us....they have a whole different mentality then the Arabs do.....they must be dealt with differently and separately....right now, our most prominent threat is from the Arab world.....Slick Willie thought that our most prominent threat was from Kosovo -- as he is quoted as saying time and time again....he also set back the Chinese foreign policy 20 years as he went for appeasement which emboldened the Reds.....this does not work.....the Chinese need to see us as tough as steel -- unwavering.....just as the Soviets saw us.....

That is also how Hussein must see us.....we cannot let him dictate our policy through his deceptions and maneuvering


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
that is why it is important that our president surrounds himself with good council so that he cannot do something that only does himself well and is not in the best interest of the country......

Funny, when I read that I thought

Bush not reporting a major sale of his Harken shares and

the whole Cheney - Enron deals of the past.

My thoughts are more along the line of the doc. We call for the return of unconditional inspections and when they are granted the headline in the statesman is somewhere along the lines of, "We're not buying it"

I don't believe that Saddam will let UN Inspectors go where they want and do what they'd like, but looking from a global perspective, if we ask for them to do something and they agree verbally to do it and then we don't give them a chance to do it because we come with our guns a firing, the outside view will be that we just wanted to go to war. now I think the right thing to do, and this is the appropriate place to say this, is that we call Saddam's bluff. But let's do it on our terms and timetables. Send someone tomorrow and say we're here to look for weapons of mass destruction. That sure seems to test their willingness towards unconditional inspection.

I'm undecided on the reason why Bush wants to oust Hussein at this point. It's easy to make the vengence opinion and I'm not sure that it doesn't play a role. It's also easy to see that Iraq is not the good guy here and something needs to be done. But when Hussein is taken out of power, what then. Do we let Iraq settle the mess or do we place someone into power like we did in afghanistan. We've turned into the world police and I don't think we really want that job. It's probably a little to late in the evening to be discussing political agenda, and of course, this just my opinion, I could be wrong.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
You both make great points and I agree it's inevitable that we will attack Iraq but I still feel the big Bush is pushing the Little muffs buttons on this affair.

As far as integrity? I don't know where to start. First of all the words politician and integrity should never be read in the same in the same sentence. All the politicians care about is their next election and padding their own pockets. They're controlled by the special interest groups and the lobbiests who got them elected.
I've got a lot more to say, but no time to do it


Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand
damn; scrubbo .... opened this post thinking it had a pic of a couple of hot chicks getting it on together..... :D :moon: :thefinger :brows: :spotting: dance2


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
How come 10 years ago the entire nation was chanting for Saddam to be taken down out of power and for the US to go in and put a bullet in his head? People were PISSED that the US did not go in and take him out.

And now, a decade later, suddenly there is this huge outcry for us to seemingly ignore him and let him go one? What the hell happened?


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
10 years happened. Things change. There is no reason to start a meaningless war.


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Feb 12, 2000


I'm not going to get into weather i think bush is right or wrong, However if you think for one minute that he would do a damn thing without considering the political gain or lose you are crazy. They all are a bunch of political whores.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
Sorry for the deception, Anders....I'd rather look at a couple of rug munchers, also....
Marine, I think the american people DO want Hussein wiped off the earth, but our country is not a dictatorship. Bush needs to follow the proper channels instead of acting like a cowboy.
I think the american people would like to know what Bush is doing about our econmy. I'm a small business owner and I haven't seen any financial relief from our commander.

I do want to make one thing clear. I'm not some bleeding heart democrat, I just want what's best for all the people of our great country, not just the top 1%.

I do think the democrats have done the right thing not wasting our countries funds investingating Bushs' Enron debacle. Unlike the republicans did with Whitewater and Blowjobgate.
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