shamrock, Haskell, djv, ocelot, Master Capper,
StevieD, GM, this whole thred is consumed
with hatred towards our Commander In Chief,
who's actions have been supported by your
new invention, John American Hero...
I can not believe for a second on election day
the American public will buy into this massive
campaign to discredit our efforts thus far in
World War III.
A more ' sensitive war'"ve got to be
shiting folks need to move to France.
StevieD, GM, this whole thred is consumed
with hatred towards our Commander In Chief,
who's actions have been supported by your
new invention, John American Hero...
I can not believe for a second on election day
the American public will buy into this massive
campaign to discredit our efforts thus far in
World War III.
A more ' sensitive war'"ve got to be
shiting folks need to move to France.