Bush Wins in 04

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
The bush Administration is by far the worst administration since the days of Herbert Hoover or Warren Harding, while there may some mistruths in the books by Woodward, Clarke and O'neil they all cannot be liars as this administration claims they are. If you watched Bush last week on national tv trying to address the press in the q and a crossfire he looked like a man caught in a the bright lights of a car, the answers he gave were mumble jumble and made no sense, only the myopic would say that they were impressed with his appearance such as Rush Limbaugh (who knows maybe he was high), but even hard core Republicans were not impressed as Luger said that Bush did nothing to help the cause with his speech. I really dont see how anyone could give this guy four more years but I really dont antipate this to be even a close race as I highly doubt Kerry will be able to do better then Gore and the amount of money Bush has to spend is just staggering, so the best thing for the country is to vote dem's or ind into the senate and house to keep Bush in check. If this doe not happen then in the final four years you are going to see Bush with the help of cong and the senate pass far reaching right wing religious laws that will severely curtail American's freedoms and he will continue to pursue legislation that favors the top 2% of the earners in the country. My biggest fear is to allow this guy to push through religous right wing agenda pieces, I dont know about anyone else but I have enjoyed the freedoms that our forefathers have died for and I do not want to squander them for once they are lost they will be difficult to ever get back and the religious right wing wants to take these rights away from you. In summary, while I feel that this administration is inept and I even long for the days of the Clinton or Reagan administrations as average is better than inept, but it is imperative that americans support the dem's or ind in the senate and house races this year to keep Bush in check for the next four years. The presidential race IMO is a lost cause as Bush will beat Kerry quite easily due to: 1) huge financial advantage, 2) incumbancy, 3) lack of character and leadership skills of Kerry and 4) fear of terrorism.

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
Ctownguy, as usual you spend too much time watching Fox Tv and getting a distorted picture of the world. Maybe it's time to broaden your horizons and check out some non partisan news and get a reality check. Your myopic point of view makes me wonder about your capibility to reason and think!


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Oh and your blanket statement that bush is the worst president yadda yadda yadda is now what evryone thinks just because the all wise mastercapper has spoken :nono:

Well thank goodness most intelligent americans do not feel the same way and has far has the house and senate, I guess you will be devasted again as the republicans will probably pick up a few in both houses, certainly not lose any.

I understand as a bush hater it must be hard for you, but like I have said before your socialist views/democrats view are outdated and are getting tiresome on the american public, why do you think republicans control congress and the executive, oh yea it must be the money.

Your as pathetic as djv or eddie



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
CTG did not see my name in this post anyplace. And yes pathetic does fit you well. You just have not looked in the mirror.

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
Ctownguy are you suffering from a mental illness? Or are you just another self medicator like your hero Rush "felon" Limbaugh? Last time you attacked me I posted 20 different articles to show that your a myopic idiot do I need to do it again? First of all, I am a independent and your comparison to the dems as socalism would only lead me to believe then you would compare the current Republican administration as facism or communism since you like to take extremes. You better check your facts on the easy wins for the Republicans in the state races and house races since I believe your basing your knowledge on old news from 4 months ago or possible Fox news, but many of the races that were not in play 4 months ago are know wide open in particular Alaska, Oklahoma and Illinois to name just a few. As far as being a Bush hater, I dont hate the man but I hate what he is doing to this country as I am to blame also for voting for him, perhaps I miss spoke I should of worded it in my opinion Bush is the worst president since Hoover and Warren Harding and you could toss Jimmy Carter in there also, but I standby that comment as I see very little that he has done that has benefited the United States and I am tired of the lies and deception of this administration as well as administrations like Clinton, I thought Bush was going to be upfront and honest and a uniter whatthe hell happened he has done none of these things that he promised to do when I voted for him.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000

i don't know how old you are.

so i don't know if you are familiar with jimmy carter's presidency(who i voted for, as a anti watergate vote).

but i suggest you check out carter's presidency.

i think that was when the u.s. was at it's lowest self esteem, even lower than during the viet nam years.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 2002
Master Capper,

I have to agree with you that Bush takes the election.
So....why not throw a bundle on Bush to win? I just checked
one of the online books and you can win 10 for every 13 that you put on Bush right now. I'm seriously contemplating dropping a few k on Bush myself.



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
MC, can u elaborate on this statement please:

"My biggest fear is to allow this guy to push through religous right wing agenda pieces"


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 15, 2003
Austin, TX
SixFive said:
MC, can u elaborate on this statement please:

"My biggest fear is to allow this guy to push through religous right wing agenda pieces"

Off the top of my head...

Ammending the constitution to disallow gay marriages. We don't need some crazy Christian sending us 100 years backwards in the civil rights movement.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
As you all know, I am a Bush supporter. BUT, I think his take on gay marriages is probably the wrong stance. In the short run, I think it is best for the country to not allow it. In the long run for the sake of all of our rights it is probably best to allow them.

For now, the country should take the best short term route and keep it the way it is, but the Constitution should not be changed, IMO.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Yelajakitz said:
Off the top of my head...

Ammending the constitution to disallow gay marriages. We don't need some crazy Christian sending us 100 years backwards in the civil rights movement.

Gay Marriage is not a civil right, to call it such is an insult to African Americans who fought for their rights...


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
mr hockey, your opinions and posts here are irrelevent and the sooner you realize it the better:rolleyes:

pirate fan

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2002
I for one am a God fearing man and I don't see it as the religous right but just basic morality. Marriage is a union between a man and women. I do think civil unions should be allowed however for health insurance and other benefits, but it is not a marriage. And as far as watching fox or any other conservative program, if that is what you want to call it. We had nothing but the liberal media agenda for years until the last decade or so. I welcome the truth as opposed to the media trying to steer everyone in a direction they feel appropriate. I think Bush has done a good job, not great, but good. Compared to Kerry, Bush is easily the man.:D


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I agree Bush wins. But I still say they both suck. And im not sure the country can stand another 4 years of Bush. He dam near broke us now. He spends money like a drunken sailor. Sooner or later we all get to pay his bill. If not us our kids will get to. Gas is already high. Milk and Butter are next. Raw materials Copper, Iron are high. That all affects items we buy. Health care up 28% in last two years. And interest rates are soon to go pop. Greenspan maynot rasie them this year to help Bush. If he does not look for 1 to 1.5% by middle next year.
Then they will start to tell us the S/S system does not work. Because they will have finally borowed it dry.
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