But global warming is just liberal propaganda

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Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
BERLIN - New satellite images from the European Space Agency show massive amounts of ice are breaking away from an ice shelf on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, researchers said Wednesday.

The Wilkins Ice Shelf had been stable for most of the last century, but began retreating in the 1990s. Researchers believe it was held in place by an ice bridge linking Charcot Island to the Antarctic mainland.

But the 127-square-mile bridge lost two large chunks last year and then shattered completely on April 5.

"As a consequence of the collapse, the rifts, which had already featured along the northern ice front, widened and new cracks formed as the ice adjusted," the European Space Agency said in a statement Wednesday.

The first icebergs started to break away on Friday, and since then some 270 square miles of ice have already dropped into the sea, according to the satellite data. That's nearly the size of New York City and much more is expected to break off.

"There is little doubt that these changes are the result of atmospheric warming," said David Vaughan of the British Antarctic Survey.

"The retreat of Wilkins Ice Shelf is the latest and the largest of its kind," he said, adding that "eight separate ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula have shown signs of retreat over the last few decades."

Strong warming on peninsula
Average temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula have risen by 3.8 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 50 years ? higher than the average global rise, according to studies.

The loss of ice shelves ? which are ice floating on the sea and linked to the coast ? does not raise sea levels significantly because the ice is floating and already mostly submerged by the ocean.

But the big worry is that their loss will allow ice sheets on land to move faster, adding extra water to the seas.

Wilkins has almost no pent-up glaciers behind it, but ice shelves further south hold back vast volumes of ice.

The Wilkins shelf, which is the size of Jamaica, lost 14 percent of its mass last year, according to scientists.

Antarctic ice shelves to break up abruptly include the Larsen A in 1995 and the Larsen B in 2002.

Over the next several weeks, scientists estimate the Wilkins shelf will lose some 1,300 square miles ? a piece larger than the state of Rhode Island

In 2006, the Tara Expedition ventured to the Arctic to research ice-melt. Watch the story as experienced by two Siberian huskies.

"We are not sure if a new stable ice front will now form between Latady Island, Petrie Ice Rises and Dorsey Island," said Angelika Humbert of Germany's Muenster University Institute of Geophysics.

But even more ice could break off "if the connection to Latady Island is lost," she said, "though we have no indication that this will happen in the near future."

In the meantime, researchers said the quality and frequency of the ESA satellite images have allowed them to analyze the Wilkins shelf breakup far more effectively than any previous event.

"For the first time, I think, we can really begin to see the processes that have brought about the demise of the ice shelf," Vaughan said.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
BERLIN - New satellite images from the European Space Agency show massive amounts of ice are breaking away from an ice shelf on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, researchers said Wednesday.

The Wilkins Ice Shelf had been stable for most of the last century, but began retreating in the 1990s. Researchers believe it was held in place by an ice bridge linking Charcot Island to the Antarctic mainland.

But the 127-square-mile bridge lost two large chunks last year and then shattered completely on April 5.

"As a consequence of the collapse, the rifts, which had already featured along the northern ice front, widened and new cracks formed as the ice adjusted," the European Space Agency said in a statement Wednesday.

The first icebergs started to break away on Friday, and since then some 270 square miles of ice have already dropped into the sea, according to the satellite data. That's nearly the size of New York City and much more is expected to break off.

"There is little doubt that these changes are the result of atmospheric warming," said David Vaughan of the British Antarctic Survey.

"The retreat of Wilkins Ice Shelf is the latest and the largest of its kind," he said, adding that "eight separate ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula have shown signs of retreat over the last few decades."

Strong warming on peninsula
Average temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula have risen by 3.8 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 50 years ? higher than the average global rise, according to studies.

The loss of ice shelves ? which are ice floating on the sea and linked to the coast ? does not raise sea levels significantly because the ice is floating and already mostly submerged by the ocean.

But the big worry is that their loss will allow ice sheets on land to move faster, adding extra water to the seas.

Wilkins has almost no pent-up glaciers behind it, but ice shelves further south hold back vast volumes of ice.

The Wilkins shelf, which is the size of Jamaica, lost 14 percent of its mass last year, according to scientists.

Antarctic ice shelves to break up abruptly include the Larsen A in 1995 and the Larsen B in 2002.

Over the next several weeks, scientists estimate the Wilkins shelf will lose some 1,300 square miles ? a piece larger than the state of Rhode Island

In 2006, the Tara Expedition ventured to the Arctic to research ice-melt. Watch the story as experienced by two Siberian huskies.

"We are not sure if a new stable ice front will now form between Latady Island, Petrie Ice Rises and Dorsey Island," said Angelika Humbert of Germany's Muenster University Institute of Geophysics.

But even more ice could break off "if the connection to Latady Island is lost," she said, "though we have no indication that this will happen in the near future."

In the meantime, researchers said the quality and frequency of the ESA satellite images have allowed them to analyze the Wilkins shelf breakup far more effectively than any previous event.

"For the first time, I think, we can really begin to see the processes that have brought about the demise of the ice shelf," Vaughan said.

It has been very clear for some time that the earth is in a period of warming. It appears to me that the debate amongst reasonable liberals and conservatives does not revolve around whether global warming exists, but rather what role we, as a species, play in this this climate shift.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
--and depend on degree of accuracy of reports--heres another from germany--

A German radio station ? Radio Bremen ? is reporting that an expedition by 20 American, Canadian, Italian and German scientists has found that ice in parts of the North Pole is thicker than previously thought.

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research says that earlier measurements had indicated what it called a strong decrease of ice thickness in the central Arctic. So the researchers expected the areas they were surveying, many of which had never been measured before, to be about two meters thick. But they discovered the ice was actually four meters thick.
The study's full results will be available in coming weeks.

Bottom line ice been melting since ice age--and as Cie said--no proof carbon dioxide(natural gas on earth--is cause.
If you want to revert back to temps 100 years ago--all you have to do is move 32 miles north of where you live now.

--and might add O/Gore premise is not mandating lower emmisions but simply profiting on them via carbon taxes--in case you haven't figured that out--even to extent of taxing farmers because their livestock farts :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 11, 2000
Nashville, TN
I read an article in National Geographic many years ago, about global warming, which stated that if humans were to instantly "turn off" all forms of modern technology and machinery and, basicaly, return to the stone age, it would be over 1000 years before we would see any change in the atmosphere. It went on to explain how the planetary climate, as best we know, moves in cycles and human interaction plays an extremely small role.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
I read an article in National Geographic many years ago, about global warming, which stated that if humans were to instantly "turn off" all forms of modern technology and machinery and, basicaly, return to the stone age, it would be over 1000 years before we would see any change in the atmosphere. It went on to explain how the planetary climate, as best we know, moves in cycles and human interaction plays an extremely small role.

thumbs up for this. Geologically speaking, the earth is still coming out of the Ice Age. Thus, common sense would tell us that the planet is warming.

But it's not like someone can blame the planet warming on an Ice Age - you can't make any money doing that.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
I read an article in National Geographic many years ago, about global warming, which stated that if humans were to instantly "turn off" all forms of modern technology and machinery and, basicaly, return to the stone age, it would be over 1000 years before we would see any change in the atmosphere. It went on to explain how the planetary climate, as best we know, moves in cycles and human interaction plays an extremely small role.

but that makes too much sense and would contradict algores movie, noble peace prize, and tax scheme......errr.......conservation effort called carbon footprint/trading.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
exactly Trench. These morons believe that the world's scientists are united in some sort of liberal conspiracy. I honestly cannot fathom how fundamentally stupid you would have to be to believe that.

Cie, your point is the crux of the matter, and obviously nobody can definitely answer the question at this point.

But to deny the phenomena is truly stupid.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
exactly Trench. These morons believe that the world's scientists are united in some sort of liberal conspiracy. I honestly cannot fathom how fundamentally stupid you would have to be to believe that.

Cie, your point is the crux of the matter, and obviously nobody can definitely answer the question at this point.

But to deny the phenomena is truly stupid.

Jabber u are missing the big picture. Al gore is involved in this and this isn't one of "their guys" These jackasses who are spoon fed daily by some of the biggest scum on the earth will never believe any of it. Its sad that we have to live with some of this pile of shit on a daily basis. What are they afraid of a clean planet? Its stunning how Al Gore has fooled all these other nations.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
global warming? is real...

but then again, so is global cooling?...

its a cycle.....but we`re supposed to be believe gore and these scientist-chicken little fanatics (with their obvious social bias and monetary incentives)with a little more than 100 years of mostly inaccurate and unscientific temperature readings?....

the earf goes through cycles, as has the sun for the past 4.5 BILLION years.....yes,that`s BILLION...

global warming,global cooling,holes in the ozone,...it`s all a scam.....this is and always has been a way to create some type of global tax for the purpose of wealth redistribution.....this was never about the environment,...it has always been about the spread of global government and global socialism.....

50 years hence,hopefully,after saner heads prevail and our economy isn`t completely rendered null and void by carbon taxes and other self imposed limitations(while other burgeoning industrialized nations pass us by while ignoring this b.s.(india/china/russia) ,gore`s "an nconvenient truth" will be regarded as this age's "reefer madness".......



consensus?...it`s only a consensus because the little indoctrinated comrades in coillege question nothing from their ex-hippie professors...they don`t read..or form their own opinions... they just regurgitate what they hear in school from liberal academics.... and the media only reports one side...

that`s what socialist propagandists seek to do...control the message.....


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Energy conservation is its own reward. It has other salubrious benefits to human existence, even if one does not believe in the harmful effects of CO2 over-production and the Greenhouse effect (which are hard to deny).


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
global warming,global cooling,holes in the ozone,...it`s all a scam.....this is and always has been a way to create some type of global tax for the purpose of wealth redistribution.....this was never about the environment,...it has always been about the spread of global government and global socialism.....

Keeping the planet inhabitable for humans is a socialist liberal agenda.

Stop gw, you're killin me...
:mj07: :mj07:

Btw... The Flat Earth Society is NOT going to be happy with you. Didn't you get the memo?
Your official position is supposed to be that the Earth is only 6000 years old. :142smilie :142smilie


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
i love how the neo-con thinkers think they found a scam in something but get played daily by the Hannity and the Rush's of the world.:142smilie