This is just bad parenting. The mom?s face knows she is going to get hit by a lawsuit after this went public. Who plays with their children like this anyways?
This shot is pure gold. The ladies talking and the monkey woman flying in from the top turn-buckle. This is a moment caught that is fantastic!
This shot can make you scratch your head for a moment. Where the hell did her head go? I just keep thinking of Austin Powers saying??Nows not a good time to lose one?s head.?
These girls in Hawaii got a massive dousing at the hands of an apparent A-hole. Maybe one of them refused to date him or maybe it?s an ex boyfriend. Whatever the case these was an epic moment caught on film.
This chick is SO bummed. Imagine you?re out in the springtime on the first warm day in months. Next thing you know you?re getting peed on. Talk about a bummer huge.
She thought this yoga pose will get her to be closer with nature, but nature was not happy with her presence. Tbh, this is a perfectly timed picture.
To be honest, I just hope that everyone on board survived. The cameraman should be helping instead of taking pictures and the pilot should not be allowed to fly these things.
Toon Toon Toon, another one bites the dust. I?m sure the next thing he remembers is the hospital bed. His carreer in BMX is over just now.
The pilot probably saw this in slow motion. He knew the moment the car hit the ground it was lights out for him. Let?s hope he made it out alive.
There is no way in this world that he could walk again after this. I don?t get how people love this sport, in football terms it is unnecesary roughness.
This right here is a true friend. Instead of focusing on the ball he is helping his friend by removing dirt off his nose. The guy in the background looks worried that the booger will hit him.
Everything seem to be going just fine, another happy prom celebration. This guy apparently needed to be in the picture no matter the cost, so he just took the most epic.
Just look at this guy?s face! Its hilarious, to be fair to him, if we say a 90 mph fast ball coming our way, we would all probably have the same face.
We?ve all been there, trying to impress the rest of the party by doing the impossible jump to the pool. Sometimes it works, but I can guarantee you this time it didn?t. Ouch.
Does this guy think he is Thor? What is his problem, they were all just enjoying a drink like regular people and he decided to throw this at his face?
This image is pure gold. A regular tourist taking a picture and they captured the moment when the guy in the bike was texting and didn?t realize there was a post right there.
Just a regular fish with human hands. Maybe he is a fishaurus just hanging out in the sea. He is probably the leader of the fish group.
This baby has extremely long legs. I have no idea how the doctor managed to pull him out. Also, who buys those ugly boots, that is probably the most odd thing about this.
That?s a large bird. Thats a small human. Wait, are we facing human extinction with these huge birds? Anyhow, hopefully we can find a cure for this before it is too late.
That looks yummy. I?m not sure if he wants to eat the fish or that?s a tasty human. Whichever it is, I think one of them didn?t make it out alive.
Hey Tevez, I don?t think the ball is in there. Besides, Ferdinand is not 40 yet, he doesn?t need that test yet. Let?s just go back to playing soccer shall we?
This image is golden. The girl is about to bite the dust. The sheep is not even looking back. I don?t understand why these girls are riding sheep anyway.
This one is brilliant. The dog is trying to run for his life and that girl just got him where it hurts. Look at the sad face of the poor dog, he will surely remember this.
#56 loves to eat smokin hot cajun chili before each game. Says it gets him? fired up.
Because every little kid wants to pop the big bubble. What a great capture!

This is just bad parenting. The mom?s face knows she is going to get hit by a lawsuit after this went public. Who plays with their children like this anyways?

This shot is pure gold. The ladies talking and the monkey woman flying in from the top turn-buckle. This is a moment caught that is fantastic!

This shot can make you scratch your head for a moment. Where the hell did her head go? I just keep thinking of Austin Powers saying??Nows not a good time to lose one?s head.?

These girls in Hawaii got a massive dousing at the hands of an apparent A-hole. Maybe one of them refused to date him or maybe it?s an ex boyfriend. Whatever the case these was an epic moment caught on film.

This chick is SO bummed. Imagine you?re out in the springtime on the first warm day in months. Next thing you know you?re getting peed on. Talk about a bummer huge.

She thought this yoga pose will get her to be closer with nature, but nature was not happy with her presence. Tbh, this is a perfectly timed picture.

To be honest, I just hope that everyone on board survived. The cameraman should be helping instead of taking pictures and the pilot should not be allowed to fly these things.

Toon Toon Toon, another one bites the dust. I?m sure the next thing he remembers is the hospital bed. His carreer in BMX is over just now.

The pilot probably saw this in slow motion. He knew the moment the car hit the ground it was lights out for him. Let?s hope he made it out alive.

There is no way in this world that he could walk again after this. I don?t get how people love this sport, in football terms it is unnecesary roughness.

This right here is a true friend. Instead of focusing on the ball he is helping his friend by removing dirt off his nose. The guy in the background looks worried that the booger will hit him.

Everything seem to be going just fine, another happy prom celebration. This guy apparently needed to be in the picture no matter the cost, so he just took the most epic.

Just look at this guy?s face! Its hilarious, to be fair to him, if we say a 90 mph fast ball coming our way, we would all probably have the same face.

We?ve all been there, trying to impress the rest of the party by doing the impossible jump to the pool. Sometimes it works, but I can guarantee you this time it didn?t. Ouch.

Does this guy think he is Thor? What is his problem, they were all just enjoying a drink like regular people and he decided to throw this at his face?

This image is pure gold. A regular tourist taking a picture and they captured the moment when the guy in the bike was texting and didn?t realize there was a post right there.

Just a regular fish with human hands. Maybe he is a fishaurus just hanging out in the sea. He is probably the leader of the fish group.

This baby has extremely long legs. I have no idea how the doctor managed to pull him out. Also, who buys those ugly boots, that is probably the most odd thing about this.

That?s a large bird. Thats a small human. Wait, are we facing human extinction with these huge birds? Anyhow, hopefully we can find a cure for this before it is too late.

That looks yummy. I?m not sure if he wants to eat the fish or that?s a tasty human. Whichever it is, I think one of them didn?t make it out alive.

Hey Tevez, I don?t think the ball is in there. Besides, Ferdinand is not 40 yet, he doesn?t need that test yet. Let?s just go back to playing soccer shall we?

This image is golden. The girl is about to bite the dust. The sheep is not even looking back. I don?t understand why these girls are riding sheep anyway.

This one is brilliant. The dog is trying to run for his life and that girl just got him where it hurts. Look at the sad face of the poor dog, he will surely remember this.

#56 loves to eat smokin hot cajun chili before each game. Says it gets him? fired up.

Because every little kid wants to pop the big bubble. What a great capture!