Cameras In The Locker Room: How This Could Changed NFL Betting Forever


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Mar 15, 1999
How do you feel about having cameras in your bathroom for the entire world to see what you?re doing? If you?re the exhibitionist type you?re probably already into this, so this article shouldn?t scare you. If you?re not, you might be a little concerned. But don?t worry. Big brother isn?t about to go that far?unless you happen to have a plying contract wit the NFL.

It turns out that the league has a brand new ploy to keep players in the stands and give them a reason to attend stadiums instead of staying at home, watching the game on TV, and losing ticket sales revenue.

The NFL is actually mandating that all stadiums in the league install cameras in the locker rooms. They?re not giving teams the option because the truth is most franchises would decline.

What impact does this have on the sportsbook betting industry? Well, the locker room tends to be ground zero for domination development. It?s not just a place to refresh between quarters. It?s a place to plan the next attack and figure out how to notch another win. So by giving NFL bettors a look inside the minds of players and coaches through video, it could help those who love to bet on football make smarter betting choices.

The use of video cameras doesn?t just have the potential to impact betting. It could impact how opposing teams perform, too. That?s because the NFL is also forcing replays of important plays like catches on the boundary, fumbles, and scoring plays to be broadcast on the stadium video boards and Jumbotrons.

Normally, content displayed on the stadium scoreboards only favors the home team, so the use of non-favorable content should make for an interesting atmosphere in NFL stadiums around the country.

The locker room cameras and more video content on the scoreboards seem to be an interesting idea. And the league?s reasoning for wanting to make money by keeping players in the stands makes sense. It should be interesting to see if most of those seats will be filled with those who love to bet on NFL football games and not just players who love to be entertained.

What do you think about the cameras? Feel free to tweet this article and ask your sports betting online friends. And don?t forget to sign up for a free account with Sports Betting Online. Not only does the sports betting site offer great odds, but you?ll also get 10% cash back on every bet?win or lose. The cash back is paid weekly on all your bets, so you?ll always have a bankroll to work with, no matter how your picks play out.
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