After having AMD whoop on them for the past two years, it looks like Intel is now whooping on AMD. The P4 2.26, 2.4, and 2.53 all trounce the AMD XP2200+. The really bad part is that it looks like Intel can up the clock speed at will whereas AMD is struggling for every little bump. Case in point - Tom's Hardware Guide was able to overclock the P4 2.2 to 3.0 easily but the best they could do with the XP2200+ is bump it from 1800 mhz to 1825 mhz. Plus, AMD really doesn't have much planned for the XP processor apart from bumping the cache to 512 when the Barton version comes out in a couple of months (they're betting everything on their 64 bit stuff). It looks like they're gonna have a real hard time getting much past 2 GHz (which would be an XP 2500+ using their terminology). My next computer will most likely be P4 based then.