Can anyone help me out with this?


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
Hi there. I wanted to know if there was a site or a simple way to create those "football parlay sheets" that the bookies pass out every Monday.

You know, the ones with the bad odds and i think there is 36 bets on each.

Is there a site or something that I can download a program or copy or something.

I have been passing them out for a bookie around my area, but this year i want to do it on my own.

The people who i pass them out to rarely win and he's made a good profit the last 3 years that I've done it.

Thanks for any help. Hope this topic doesn't offend anyone, either.

I'm trying to find an old one laying around and I can't find one yet.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
You can make one right on your computer, I would think.

It shouldn't be any harder than any other document.

Better make sure of a few things before you start:

1: You need to pass out plenty of sheets, and get plenty back!

If you only pass out a few to some friends, one winner will wipe out an entire week in some cases.

2: You need a bankroll! Don't assume that the easy money will roll right in!

One week early with the favorites and overs hitting, and you will be shitting like a Christmas goose!

3: Don't step on toes.

The guy who's action you will be cutting in on, might not be so happy to hear of your entrepreneurial dreams, and he might have a ball bat in the trunk of his Lincoln!

4: John L Law might like to know what's up.

5: Dark bar parking lots, and a bag of cash are an invitation to guys looking for a "sure thing"!

Good luck if you decide to go to the dark side.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
Oh no! Believe me, this is as small time as it gets.

Those sheets passed out were bringing in about 200 per week. Most played 5 or 10 bucks a sheet and the average winner was 90 or 45

I have no interest in any of that other crap, just wanted to find a site or program where i could get the sheets on my own and pick up some cash each week.

I have analyzed the results and he won (when i passed them out to my people) about 85% of the weeks and the losing weeks were not big losses

I do have a bankroll for it

I am hoping to find a website that i could print it off of every week

Thanks for the reply and believe me, this is very small time.

Cash & Carry

Chump, I agree with yyz regarding a bankroll.Early season favorites & lady luck could get yuu in trouble. I started my "hobby" years ago on a opening weekend parlay card for 50.00, HITTING A 10-TEAMER.. The MAN was not happy.GLTA
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