Can I get a seat in here for the Big Dance?


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
On a streak, that I never had before with the College Dudes but today's run is exceptional. I'm a small better cause my record when putting some big bucks down ain't good for the ole bankaroo for me. but them there small profits sure are adding up today. RIGHT NOW, I'M watching the Memphis game and a Memphis Money liner bet on the Tigers will cash the last ticket I played, see below. BTW, The tickets below are the only plays I made today.

These teaser, parlay bets along with buying pts. worked for me for the college FB season.. but, not as good as these today fosho!
I guess these type of bets might not be too useful here. I go over each day's card and only pick the teams/games that I believe I got a good shot with and I'm thinking that posting the one(s) I like best here for the forum. I buy pts or make up parlays or teasers with them but quite often the majority (like 3 out of the top 5) woulda worked as a reg. straight play. Maybe some "Jacker" find one useful.

BTW, some Madjackers may remember me in the Wace Twack forum and that place is absolutely DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. GOOD for those who left it cause my daily Philly Park plicks USED to work pretty good, but after a freakig month of watching that race track turn into a Money Wheel guess.... I got the crap beat out of me nearly EVERY day at that track that I used to do pretty good with. Congrats to those who left the races before I did.

Gotta go for now, dang Mempis game is getting too close 55/58 Memphis right now.

Hello, Hamster if you're out there. :mj05:

3/9/19 2:12pm $15.00 $51.32 $66.32 Win 3 Team Parlay
Win 3/9/19 2:30pm College Basketball 641 Purdue -3 -250* vs Northwestern
Win 3/9/19 4:00pm College Basketball 653 Arizona State +2 -110* vs Arizona
Win 3/9/19 3:00pm College Basketball 734 Southern Mississippi -3 -155* vs Texas San Antonio

548743345-1 3/9/19 1:49pm $12.00 $18.84 $30.84 Win 3 Team Teaser (ties win) Teaser tw 6?fb & 5bk
Win 3/9/19 2:00pm College Basketball 639 NC State +1? * vs Boston College
Win 3/9/19 2:30pm College Basketball 641 Purdue -2 * vs Northwestern
Win 3/9/19 4:00pm College Basketball 653 Arizona State +7 * vs Arizona

548718510-1 3/9/19 11:56am $12.00 $18.62 $30.62 Win 3 Team Parlay
Win 3/9/19 5:00pm College Basketball 608 Xavier -155* vs St John's
Win 3/9/19 2:00pm College Basketball 632 Kentucky -550* vs Florida
Win 3/9/19 2:30pm College Basketball 641 Purdue -320* vs Northwestern548769499-1 3/9/19 2:58pm $10.00 $40.10

548769499-1 3/9/19 2:58pm $10.00 $40.10 Pending 3 Team Parlayt
Win 3/9/19 4:00pm College Basketball 653 Arizona State +115* vs Arizona
Pending 3/9/19 9:30pm College Basketball 708 Memphis U -390* vs Tulsa
Win 3/9/19 6:00pm College Basketball 697 Duke/North Carolina 1st Half Under 79? -117*

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006



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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Thanks, Old School

Thanks, Old School

I've read some of your posts before and they were interesting. Over the years, I pretty much stuck to the Racetrack Forum and did my best to reply to an occasional visitor in that forum.

Sure got my share of the GOOD (lucky) stuff today and there was more icing on the cake to come AFTER my last post too.


Sorry bout looking like a braggart - when something like Saturday's LUCKY day comes along - ya just gotta share it with folks who just might be interested and where's a better place than here with players that have the same interest in this stuff . You can't brag about LUCK and there was some of that in those plays.. like winning by only ONE point and that point happened in the last minute of play a few times. I don't know how the WHALES ($$$) get through the basketball games without getting heart failure or a mouth full of finger nails. I gotta keep the blood pressure pills close bye whenever I go a little overboard with the bets and I rarely do go overboard. :)

F'riinstnce -the icing on the cake:

I had to end the initial post cause that last game was getting too close and I had to watch it. I didn't get to post it but - I made an "insurance" play on the Memphis game AFTER THE FIRST HALF cause that final game had the biggest payout for me with a Memphis win. Dimes sports accommodated me really nicely by offering +220 on "Tulsa M.L. to win 2nd half". Memphis was ahead by 4 points at halftime and I jumped on that money liner.If you saw the last seconds of that game - at the 6 seconds to go mark, Tulsa shots a 2 pointer and that made the insurance payoff AND the bigger parlay ticket payoff as well, that's a "caught the middle" deal? OH YEAH.

Just to share some things that have worked for me
1. IMO, whenever the last game of a parlay can cash a ticket, the second half may be a good time to hedge (go the other way) based on what you saw during the first half of the game. The amount I put down on the insurance play is enough to win 50% of what the big parlay would win.

2. I think it's a good idea to always check out the not-so-popular games, you know - like the Mickey Mouse games like the Evansville's types vs. Drake's types cause, with sooo many games, thems line makers are not as comprehensive with their figuring as with the high profile games like the Mich. vs Mich. St. types. OH,nuthin against Evans or Drake, in fact I luv Drake often enough.

3, The parlays, teasers, point buys way of betting works better with COLLEGE football than baskets. For me - forget the Pros. although I sometimes throw in ONE NFLer because it's my LAST (Sun. or Mon.) game, like Memphis was my last game today,

Sorry bout the "blah, blah, blah" now that I put all yas to sleep.... I'll try to make later posts much shorter.

Good Luck y'awl


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Not much of a card today - Monday

Not much of a card today - Monday

Same goes for anybody interested in the parlays, teasers, buy pts. stuff; figured that; jump down to "Today" below which is closer to what somebody may look for.

Was busy all afternoon and didn't bother to see game times. Very disappointed at what I saw when I got to the puter around 7:30 and did something I RARELY do.. . played one because I KINDA liked it and that it was televised, spread line bet on Canisius and the result reminded me why I stick to what I do these days..... result was

Just watched the Wofford game and sweated that one out but only until there was 2+mins. left. They looked terrible early, Great at free throws, terrible on fouls. That game started the teaser off on a good note. The two other games just started thems are Iona (started playing, sorry... I don't know the score yet) and the other - well, it's Godzilla vs. Pepper. Ya think Zilla can win by 31 not so stinkin pts. :) I don't.

Noticed something when going over the Iona/Monmouth game that might be worthwhile mentioning to yas - note that Iona lost their guard, Still, recently (2/24). Fortunately I see that they played SIE Feb 13th and won by 5 . In their last game (3/10) they played SIE on a neutral court and won by 16. No Still. Sorry, the game just started and I don't know what's up with them, not that it matters so early with these college dudes.

How bout this - St. Mary's at -3 (gotta buy 1.5 pts.) looks good to me. Luv that it's a late game cause I can see if the teaser pays off and if it doesn't I will be on this one, if teaser wins I'll be satisfied today. Better card tomorrow. Best of all, that game didn't start yet. :)

G.L. y'awl



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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Gotta believe that bite Godzilla got me with was a killer

Gotta believe that bite Godzilla got me with was a killer

NO WAY cause the miracle continues. How bout the way Pepperdine, a team that couldn't get out of their own way from the monsters, finished up that game?
Unreal, the monster was ahead by over 40 pts. at one pt. but the LUCK prevailed. Wofford was looking like a lossah for most of their game as well.

Mary's prob. started and I did have enough time to put that one in; almost did but decided not to cause Pepperdine just woke up BIG TIME with all those late 3's. Decided to not take the chance of ending the streak and called it a day with the teaser and the side bets wieners. I don't even have that game on in the other room.

I'll post today's results here for the last time cause it really isn't such a good idea to post right from my Dimes "graded wagers" Report. Some people around here know of me for long, long time and know there's no need for me to do that. I'm sure there must be some members laughing at me for not betting with $10's or $20's instead of ONE's :0029. My results over the years had too many dang "L's" when I did dat. Glad I didn't do it that often.

BTW, ever make a $9.52 bet before? :mj07:

Just connect these to the above report and you'll see a lot of consecutive W's. Hopefully, I'll be able to post something closer to a regular M.L. or straight line bet here tomorrow. No "blah, blah, blah tomorrow, just "plicks".

549210794-1 3/11/19 7:06pm $12.10 $11.00 $23.10 Win 3/11/19 9:00pm College Basketball 895 Monmouth/Iona Over 138 -110*

549209618-1 3/11/19 7:01pm $23.00 $20.00 $43.00 Win 3 Team Teaser (ties push) Teaser tp 10fb & 7bk
Win 3/11/19 9:00pm College Basketball 885 Pepperdine +31 * vs Gonzaga
Win 3/11/19 7:00pm College Basketball 894 Wofford -? * vs NC Greensboro
Win 3/11/19 9:00pm College Basketball 896 Iona +2? * vs Monmouth

549099086-1 3/10/19 8:26pm $9.52 $10.00 $0.00 Loss 3/10/19 8:30pm College Basketball 864 Canisius -1 +105* vs Monmouth
Bet on MyBookie