Can MASTERCARD screw you like THIS ?????


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Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
I sold a guy ( through my business an antique for $11,500) in Europe, and the item was listed on E Bay. He paid for the item on Mastercard,and I was given a Confirmation number for the transaction. Mastercard would deposit said funds in my business account within a couple of days.Fine.
I wait 3 days after I have the confirmation number to send the item out Fed. Ex.
On day 5, I see that the $$$ has not been credited to my account.I call Mastercard ,and they say the card was stolen in New Hamp. and I will not be getting the funds. I stated that I was given a confirmation number 5 days previous,but they say they had no obligation to phone me to let me know (ASAP ) that the card was stolen !!! Now it is too late to get Fed. Ex. to put a STOP DELIVERY as the item had been delivered..
So the guy in Europe has my item (didn't cost him a dime) and Mastercard says they will not be crediting my account despite having a Confirmation Number ....How can this happen ?????
I sure as hell can't take a 'hit' like that and try to run my business.. Needless to say ,the guy in Europe has not answered my e-mails to him (I guess I'm just praying he will do the right thing, good freekin luck ).
Have any of you guys ever heard of Visa or Mastercard pulling this crap??? Man, they give me a confirmation # and I still try to play it safe and wait a little longer before I send out the 'goods'. Yes, I called my lawyer,but we all know this just leads to more costs and more B.S. than I've already gone through..Boy ,it sure is tough being 'the little guy' trying to run a small business...
Boy, what a rotten way to treat people. It's like just telling my to bend over ... Anybody work for Mastercard , I need some input on this one guys,it sure screwed me up !!!!!
Spanky:confused: :confused: :eek:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 23, 2001
South Georgia/Birmingham, USA
sorry to hear that Spanky

Bad news buddy- it does'nt look good, very unlikely that they will change their policy
your lawyer should be able to give you the info without too much effort on what can be done

best of luck


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
man, that's a tough break. Sorry for your loss, and I hope u can recover your funds. I wonder if one of those internet tracking comapnies/spyware places could track down this guy for you so you could hand deliver all his info to the authorities? If you have emails, maybe that could be done.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
ashamed it`s in europe

ashamed it`s in europe

i don`t think our postal inspectors have international jurisdiction.there are a million f--kin crooks out there waiting to rip you off.sorry for your circumstance.

no all

Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
never send anything till you get your cash in your hands:nono:
that ebay is one big mess:eek:
track the guy down:grins: to the address you sent it:D


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Forum Member
Nov 27, 2001
Stevens Point, WI, USA
That sucks Spanky.. If you're rich, its time for a trip to Europe..

The same sorta thing happened to me, but not over Ebay.. I agreed to purchase a huge lot of sportscards for $6,000 from a guy in Hawaii.. I talked to him about a dozen times, just to make sure he was good for his word.. I sent payment via registered mail so he had to sign for it.. He sent me about 1/10 of the stuff he was supposed to.. After a month of calling him about 40 times a day to no avail, he answered the phone.. He said he would send the rest of the stuff, but sent a bunch of worthless cards.. I talked to the Hilo police and this guy is a crook, but there's nothing they could do cuz he got payment and sent something out.. I also found out that he ripped a lady off just before he scammed me.. She was lucky enough to get him on tape (on the phone call) admitting he screwed her.. He sent her (through the mail) a piece of crap, literally.. Think the dude got in some serious trouble, cuz thats a felony..

Basically, Im out about $5,000 with no way of getting it back.. Its been about 3 years now, so Im over it.. If I could afford to take a trip to Hawaii, I'd find this dude, and obliterate him with a baseball bat.. Its too bad there's so many people like this..

Good luck man
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Feb 23, 2001
Thanks guys.. I thought I was O.K. with Mastercard giving me a Confirmation Number and all. Sure would have expected a phone call fom Mastercard or Police wanting details and address,etc. on the person who made the purchase-would'nt you think ???Dam, if the card was stolen and the purchase was for such a large sum, I cannot believe they did'nt phone me ..
I am computer Stupid, so I don't have a clue how I could track down where this guy actually lives ,but his Server is Verison and I don't know if they have that in Indonesia.For all I know , he could be diong that shit you see in the movies,just bouncing his site off Dishes all around the world... But , I still CAN'T figure out Mastercard !!! If they supply you with a confirmation number, that( to me ) means the transaction has taken place and the business can release the item to the buyer .. Does that not make sense, or is it me ?????Shit,I still wait a few DAYS before I ship it ,just to be safe .... :confused: :confused: Spanky.......


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Also, go to your local police station and file a report. Probably won't do any good, but in the circumstance that somebody tells u to do that, it's done.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 15, 2001
where did you send those antiques ?
if it is eastern ( ex commy ) countries you don't have any hope to get
any money back. if it is western country contact local ( european )
police, and ask if they can help.
let the guy know you know that card was stolen and if he haven't picked them ( antiqus ) up yet, you could have chance to get your stuff back.

good luck


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 27, 1999
Did MCard give you a confirmation # or an "authorization" number. Not sure if they're the same. But, if they authorized the transaction, you should be kept whole.

I know the business well. Their authorization of the transaction means you did all you need to do.

Which bank set you up as a merchant?


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Feb 23, 2001
The Royal Bank set me up as the merchant.
Yes, I thought once I had the Number from M Care, I could release the goods. They are long gone now !!!!


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Jul 27, 1999
Spanky, you need to clarify for me.

RBC is a Visa merchant acquirer; they can't sign you to accept Mcard. Duality does not exist in Canada. In order to accept MCard, you must have a relationship with a Mcard bank.

Bottom line: you can't go to RBC on this one.


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Feb 23, 2001
Honus, O.K. I think I got what we need..
Sorry, I have my Business Registered at The Royal, BUT the transaction went through My Brother's business as he is set up for Master Card AT: Bank of Montreal !!!!! And he was given what they call an Authorization Number for the transaction, so he waited a few days then released the item..
I'm sort of 'scattered' right now,I guess that's how I confused Royal and Bee Mo... What gives B of M the right to cancel the Authorization and simply say 'tough shit' after 4 days ??? They would have known in hours that the card was no good,so why would they NOT STOP the transaction ????
Honus, I just don't get it. It Really pisses me off this crap goes on.. Any ideas ??? Spanky....:confused: :confused:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 27, 1999
OK, you've got all you need.

Armed with your merchant contract from BMO and the authorization from that specific contract, get a hold of your BMO rep (ie the guy who signed you up or the guy who services you) and get him to straighten it out.

If he won't help, call their merchant customer service department and try to speak with a supervisor, manager, VP Customer Service (for service establishments), etc.

Finally, take them to court. Your contract should be very clear on this.

The only only only out they have is whether or not in the contract they expressly require you to check the signature on the back of the card with the signature on the sales slip. If that is required in the contract and you didn't do it (couldn't do it), you may have a problem.

You see, if a card is stolen, but not yet reported stolen, as an example, the transaction will be authorized. The merchant must perform its due diligence by checking the signature. If the signature matches, the merchant is off the hook. If the signature is very different than what is on the back of the card, the merchant is responsible.

But since this is an e-bay transaction, you couldn't see the signature. What does your contract say about that? Sometimes, there are outs for mail order, etc.

Also, you should try to find out when it was discovered the card was used fraudulantly. If it is between the transaction date and when you shipped the goods and they didn't notify you, you may still have a case. They didn't perform their duty to notify you in time.

Don't know if you have access to a good lawyer, but this may be a case for one. But, first thing, go over your contract with a fine tooth comb.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
Honus, Thanks for the input.. Talked to my lawyer Friday and am taking ALL paperwork to him tomorrow- He said he will probably refer me to an associate in his firm ,someone that deals in such matters. Mastercard in the U.S. says 'they' had no responsibility to phone me to let me know the card was N.G. Go figure..
Oh well, I guess I'll see what the lawyer says,as I have the M.Card Authorization Number, the Trans. Ref Number as well as the Fed.Ex. # and the Form #. So,I think I have all I can produce,but what a pain in the ass, shit the little guy (me) taking on the Big Businesses (B. of Montreal and M>Card). I guess the lawer works for free too !!!:confused:
Thanks for the input..... Spanky........
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