Was having lunch today with wife and sister in law and got to talking about scratch off tickets. SIL mentioned that she was recently purchasing 4 tickets (for even split) when a guy behind her in line suggested she buy the next ticket. She refused and he kept on insisting she buy the next ticket. Anyway, she bought her 4 tickets and the guy immediately bought the next one and asked her to hang around while he scratched it and of course he hit for a $100.00. (she hit nothing)
Has anyone ever considered about predicting the outcome on these type of games? Buying in lots of odd numbers or buying one each in every game offered? I read somewhere that in FL that depending on the type game being offered, a certain % must be a printed as a winner.
Has anyone ever considered about predicting the outcome on these type of games? Buying in lots of odd numbers or buying one each in every game offered? I read somewhere that in FL that depending on the type game being offered, a certain % must be a printed as a winner.