Can you cap scratch-offs ?????


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2002
El Dora, Fla
Was having lunch today with wife and sister in law and got to talking about scratch off tickets. SIL mentioned that she was recently purchasing 4 tickets (for even split) when a guy behind her in line suggested she buy the next ticket. She refused and he kept on insisting she buy the next ticket. Anyway, she bought her 4 tickets and the guy immediately bought the next one and asked her to hang around while he scratched it and of course he hit for a $100.00. (she hit nothing)
Has anyone ever considered about predicting the outcome on these type of games? Buying in lots of odd numbers or buying one each in every game offered? I read somewhere that in FL that depending on the type game being offered, a certain % must be a printed as a winner.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I'll tell you what. Unless you want to hang around and watch people scratch tickets all day, you have no chance at "predicting" the outcome.

That being said, here is a little story for you:

I used to play darts with a guy who worked at a convenience store in the poorer end of town. People there had limited funds, and most of them bought scratch offs with some of that cash. (The less money people have, the more they play the lotto.)

My friend knew a few caertain facts about the lottery.

  • The scracth tickets had to have 'x' amount of winners in each packet of 500
  • There was the odd chance that some of the bigger prizes would be in there, as well

As a retailer, you knew that each packet of 500 contained, for example:

75 $1 winners
25 $2 winners
10 $5 winners
2 $50 winners
1 $100 winner

My friend was astute enough to see that most players at his outlet scratched their tickets right at the store, so they could cash in winners imediately. When he started a new packet, he would keep track of the winners sold.

If he got to a point in the packet where there were more winning tickets left than losers, he would start "buying" the rest of them!

Let's say he spent $20 before nailing the $100 ticket........pure profit!

Sure, it sucked for the welfarians, but that's life in the ghetto.:nono:

Once, he hit a $500 winner!

That's about the only way you can be certain you will win at the lottery.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2002
El Dora, Fla
Thanks for the reply YYZ

So, if I'm interpolating this right, the best chances would be to visit a store that is independently owned since the owner would most likely be at the register from time of opening to closing and therefore could keep track of the wining % of the various games. We all know that these type of businesses are getting harder to find with the competion from the major chains (7-11, Circle-K, etc.).
Since most of us need to stock up on supplies for MNF, what would be wrong with sliding in and asking which games have hit or which are due? I would think you would get a sincere answer otherwise you'd never come back. I'm not suggesting we establish a separate bankroll for this, but how many times have you heard on your way to pick up refreshments "get me some scratch-offs"?


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
I can only speak of the scratchers in California. They couldn't be a worse value. Sold them at one of the businesses I ran for almost 16 years and had one winner of 5k and other than that, mostly crap. However, if you were able to use the strategy outlined in yyz's post, you might have a better chance. That is a brilliant strategy to say the least.
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