Can you "just" watch a game?


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 30, 2001
It's sad to say, but my interest in watching games with no action has really declined over my few years of betting. Let me add that I'ma die hard sports nut, like most of you guys- always have been.

I still follow all the sports heavily and can still watch my favorite teams with the same enthusiasm, but when college hoops, or random NBA or NFL games are on, I constatntly think about the number instead of just watching for enjoyment. I can still watch the big games though w/o action, Really a bad phenomenon though, and I can'timagine how it has afflicte many of the long time cappers here?

Just curious.


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Mar 15, 2001
melbourne fl usa
I can say that a big negative of handicapping and wagering on sports is the fact I really cant just sit and watch a game if I have no action on it....This has also affected watching my favorite team in all the major sports..when I was a kid (early teens) I would live and die watching the Mets or during football watching every Dolphins game .. but since I have been wagering now for over 20 years I don't believe I have anywhere near the passion for those teams anymore and really think I cant get into it if no money is on the table....Just one of those sick "side effects" on this gambling lifestyle.


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Jan 8, 2002
If I do not have some kind of action on the game I couldn't care less who wins or loses. Kind of sad probably but that is just the way it is. I can't see being loyal to a logo. The way players move around so much makes it hard to stay loyal. For me anyway. But let me have a dollar on the game or even if it is just for bragging rights then I am interested.


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sportsbetting is either about "making a profit" or "liking the action".

One or the other.

If you decide you want to "make a profit", then there's discipline and patience involved, two very lofty virtues and difficult to master.

If you decide on "liking the action" then that equates to a cheap thrill.

Except in sportsbetting nothing is cheap, so now you're at a costly thrill.

If you decide you want to "make a profit", besides discipline and patience, there's also handicapping involved.

Handicapping involves suppostions, logic, probability, psychology, trends, statistics, injury reports, practice reports...that's just to name a few. Oh, and time.

If you decide on "liking the action", you don't have to bother with any of the fundamental handicapping requirements. Just make a few, quick assumptions and plunk your money down. Nothing to it. It's quick, easy and for the next couple of hours (if things go your way), relatively painless.

Oh, I forgot about the last 20 seconds of the game. These can be rather stressful at times (unless of course, your team got blown out in the first 10 minutes of the game, then you've already dealt with the pain and are thinking, "What time does the Laker game go off?")

I've heard a rumor that some of the better handicappers, although they do lose, they rarely get blown out of a game.

I wonder how they do it?

Maybe by "liking the action" for years and years, they automatically became good handicappers.

I really don't know.

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
The only way I can watch a game with no wagering is if I mess up and not get my call in on time! I'd watch a game that I didn't even know who was playin, but I'd call and at least put $20.00 on it for shats and giggles!:D


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Dec 30, 2001
Maybe you misunderstood. I wasn't saying that I plunk down cash on every game thats on, I just meant I have more trouble being excited for some games I used to because I DON'T have$$ on it.

I mean,who wants to make aprofit when you can just "like the action". A bit condescending, don'tcha think?

:rolleyes: .
BTW, nice call on Marshall.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
i dont know where you heard that buddy but that is far from the truth.
just last night 2 vbig groups had wyoming and wvu on sun,i dont care who you are and how smart or what kind of system you have (not you buddy) in gen, teams are going to get blowen out at times and thats a part of life i know this from coaching,and for pros lose by only a few points here and there someone was blowing smoke up your ass and you are to smart for that all handicapping is ,is a feel for the game,knowing it info and then hope your team plays up to how it should,but you cant know how many nistakes mentle e's in baseball physical ones and to's in fb and hoops are going to happen or if there is a injury during game,

where ever that came from is bull and no one would even keep records of that .

and you need to watch as many games as you can,you cant learn a team by reading,if that was the case teams would not have to scout other teams in baseball and fb or watch film they could just read the paper or hope on the net and you would have pitching chart or game plan ready to go,the more you watch the better you become.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2001
Southern Ca
i find do find it tough to watch a game without at least thinking of the spread or total. problem? maybe:)
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